Training in Kanada, vs the USA

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Slick Goodlin
Posts: 721
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:46 pm

I just learned that Flight Chops flies a Chipmunk.  That's kind of cool.

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Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am



I am lucky enough to also fly a Chipmunk occasionally and they are probably the easiest tail dragger to fly that I have every flown. Sure don't behave like a tail dragger. They are also lovely airplanes to fly, beautiful controls. Actually took my wife to do groceries in one once ;)

Slick Goodlin
Posts: 721
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:46 pm

Strega wrote: Dual?
I had read it was solo, which kind of surprised me.  Good for him (and I mean that).
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
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It's the oxymoron of aviation. Not to insult too many people but "babies teaching babies". As far as the videos WTF - the wake turbulence - fuck off what a bunch of bullshit to cover up a total fuck up. The instructor obviously was a sleep at the switch as well and a near death experience is not a ab initio SOP. For a CADORS to be filed from a A/C sitting on the ground - damn - and now this guys publishes this shit on the internet. I still say the system is backwards and that it should be restructured to entice career instructors who can actually make a career of it and make the money to support themselves and family. Increase the license qualification requirements and training required. This would certainly have an effect on the industry. Pilot puppy mills would not be able to exist and certainly the number of pilots would be reduced because of cost.

As for general aviation and the sunday pleasure pilot training costs could likely be controlled by a reduction in aircraft instruction time based on better quality instructors. Graduated licenses. Take me for example. If I were to own my own aircraft for "knocking" around I likely would not even have a radio and puddle jump around on floats or even on big wheels. So a basic private license day/vfr is all I would need.

It's a complex problem but like every other issue in aviation it comes down to the dollars and the lobby influence of the institutions who care more about the money than safety and change. The canadian government are a bunch of pussies and are so afraid of their own shadows when it comes to change.

Publishing on you tube and taking pictures and videos is the curse of the new era. Like it's been pointed out, it's our choice to view or not. Privacy is a thing of the past. "In your face" is becoming the norm.

Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am


They "learned from their experience"

I think its a pretty sad day, when a regular everyday training flight, could have wound up wiping out a dash 8, because the instructor sucks.

You think the instructor was subject to any enforcement action?

Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
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Sure they learned from their experience. My point is that that the instructor let it become a life and death struggle and that is not an acceptable training method. Shit can happen to anyone to cover it up as a planed training tool is just bullshit. I think the description and aileron input or lack there of was not planed but in fact he just froze on the controls in one of those "oh fuck" moments and the aircraft recovered mostly by its self. Harsh yes but likely at least partially true.
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am


I guess you didnt hear the sarcasm in my tone...

What was displayed in the video is 100 percent, unacceptable.  period.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

It's the first video posted in the thread brah and they almost go inverted to give a Dash 8 the finger.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

You're welcome.

I am sure his videos are like they are because he works in the entertainment industry. I have started working in it again very part time. It is mostly politics and everyone who does not do things the same way disappears from the industry. It's what he knows, just like Ice Pilots when the sound guys use the wrong engines.
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