I have too many good ideas.

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So I was burning through YouTube the other day….

Came across a fella who uses his hobby laser etcher to make panels.

Well, I’m in the panel restoration biz as of late, and thought, hey I can do that!

So after the kid and wife go to bed, to the basement I go!

I have some scrap 1.5mm 30cmx30cm wood panels.
Instead of burning and wasting $$$ final acrylic sheets, I ran the program through the scrap wood.
If this theory works, it’s a great excuse to buy a bigger laser machine. Mine can only do 30x40cm
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Twin Beech restoration:
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I would really like to redo my panel on the mixmaster and would love to make a single piece cut with laser and etched but Im going to spend that money on avgas
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