Captain Big Bars don’t like Touch N Go’s

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Slick Goodlin
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Nark wrote: Fri Jun 23, 2023 5:17 pm He would know exactly what his fuel state is. We have it on our release, which needs to be above that level before crossing the hold short line, for takeoff.
Same here, ‘min takeoff fuel’ is on my OFPs too. My point is he’s either lying or an idiot when he said he just realized how light on fuel he was a minute earlier.

I don’t disagree at all that it was probably a lie just to get moving. I’m almost surprised that ATC didn’t hold him there for three minutes.

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This has a lot to do with Situational Awareness and Airmanship.

Flying corporate I'm mixing it up with the big boys and the bug smashers pretty much every flight.
My jet will Ref around 100-110 knots, it is surprisingly docile and will easily do 130+ to short final and yank the thrust back and make your numbers. Breaking in the noobs at my previous charter operation to not do 110 on approach when your going into Airline airports with 5 Boeings and an Airbus behind you all doing minimum 130 FAF inbound (Southwest 200+ :D ) took a little patience.

Then you got 100 knots on the 172 or if your lucky only 80 on a Seminole who will of course miss all exits after landing.

Airports that move a lot of tin are usually very efficient and things just flow smoothly. Going into small airports without a tower or even with I always expect a shit show and plan fuel and granny gas accordingly. Usually what happens is you will be ready waiting for passengers and have not seen another airplane all day, but as soon as you fire up and call for your IFR clearance 2 Metros and king air will be inbound with a 172 showing up for the circuit :lol:

The big advantage of corporate over airline is I don't have anyone looking over my shoulder double checking how much or how little fuel im packing. Nor do I have someone making me fly the most economic speed or make a arrival time that if we miss I screw up 100 connections.

This guy needed to find his zen before keying the mic, Its like when I fly in Mexico things take time and their is nothing I can do to make it go quicker it is what it is.
5 out of 2 Pilots are Dyslexic.
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