Life’s hard some days

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Slick Goodlin
Posts: 938
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Dang, I had a day of hard work planned but instead it looks like I’m doing a checkout on a type I’ve never flown before. If this keeps up I’ll have to scrap my whole day and fly biplanes or something...

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Sir! Your positivity in the face of such hardship is truly inspirational. I can only aspire to reach such levels of fortitude.
(Lucky @#%$@, I got yardwork and a trip to Costco with the wife)
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trip to Costco
There are few worse fates in life. ;)
The details of my life are quite inconsequential...
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I’m doing a checkout on a type I’ve never flown before
Pictures! We need biplane porn!!

PS Costco ain't all bad:


Sure, it's not Five Guys, but ...

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I’m just happy to see California dropping the mask mandate!

I was shocked the other day walking in to a Chicago establishment, I figure all the stupid Lib leaning states /cities were still locked up tighter than the Col’s wallet.

Me drinking my buddy’s beer, laying on his couch, while I wait for our wives to get back from church.
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Twin Beech restoration:
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Now, now, be nice. I worship at the Church Of The Internal Combustion Engine.

Our litany is "Suck / Squeeze / Bang / Blow"


Runup: 11:28
Takeoff: 11:30
Acro: 11:39 - 11:46
Approach: 11:53
Landing: 11:55

PS Glad to see the masks gone, too. They didn't help, and they made people sick.
Slick Goodlin
Posts: 938
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Well, mission scrubbed due to wx. No biggie, I just went back to Plan A which was to chip away at making my own biplane a little more finished. One step forward, two steps back yesterday as I mocked up a linkage and found there was no way it was going to work. Slept on it and I have a much more elegant solution that requires I head to the machine shop this afternoon.

I’m probably a little weird to think this is my idea of a vacation.
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I admire the energy of youth. I have given up on Wx. Too old. I don't do it any more.


PS Vacation isn't about resting your body or mind. It is about change.

Changing tires. Changing brakes. Changing oil. You know.
Slick Goodlin
Posts: 938
Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:24 am

Had to run an errand today and driving is lame, sooo…..
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