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Slick Goodlin
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Why’s it always a Champ? I think I know which one you’re talking about, plus I know of two more off the top of my head written off by TC guys. One landed with the brakes locked and ended up on its back, the other tried to take off from a taxiway then put it into a guardrail while swerving to avoid a plane that was taxiing.

JW Scud
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Colonel wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2020 2:28 pm
TC liked to send process servers to the tech company that I worked at. Awkward.
Was there a reason why they sent these to your work? Is that intentional harassment?
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Good question. TC's problem is that their super-power - yanking my pilot licence -
did not affect my income, as it does with other pilots, so they resorted to some
pretty weird stuff, like attacking my father as retribution. That sounds pretty childish
and nutty, but that's what Dr Appleford said, and I believe him.

When TC suspended my licence, I would just make sure that someone else on board
would log the PIC when I flew. Perfectly legal, and it enraged TC beyond belief.

Don't fuck with TC's power. Or else.

I guess it's not a surprise when TC started making noises about my citizenship last year -
what other pain can they inflict?

It's safest for me, to avoid the country entirely. Not sure how many people in Canada
follow the news here, but the most powerful, elite police bureaucracy in the US was
completely gutted - Comey, McCabe, Strok, Baker - after they were caught trying to
control then overturn an election. Don't underestimate their power. It almost took
down a President - the most powerful man in the world - to clean that house.

Someone like me just gets squashed like a bug, by guys like that. Canada is not a
safe place for me to live in.
Chuck Ellsworth
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A fellow I knew flew with that TC Inspector, and he was told by the Inspector that if he received
any training from me, his paperwork would be rejected when he submitted it.
The co.k s,ckers did the same thing to me.

I went to my M.P. and the minister of transport and filed a complaint and got that fixed real fast.
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I just wish they'd grow up, and leave me alone. I don't crash airplanes, after all.

People I teach don't crash, either. Sometimes I get the feeling, that's not what's
important to them. It kind of is, to me. My family's been in aviation for 103 years,
now. Longer than them, I might add.


Bureaucrats are about power. I'm about aviation.
JW Scud
Posts: 217
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Colonel wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2020 4:59 pm
I guess it's not a surprise when TC started making noises about my citizenship last year -
what other pain can they inflict?
Citizenship or residency for income tax purposes? They can't take away your citizenship.

Even terrorists with dual citizenship have been protected under this government. Although, they may feel that you are a bigger threat.
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They can't take away your citizenship
I didn't think they were allowed to steal my property, either, but they proved me wrong.
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