Book Reviews & Reccomends

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Going to make this a sticky, I now have a list that will take me awhile to get through.

Accurate representation of my reading skills

Tailwind W10
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I'll add a couple I've enjoyed:

"Kelly: More Than My Share Of It All"  Clarence L. (Kelly) Johnson.  Auto-biography of the legendary head designer of Lockheed's Skunk Works.  (P-38, Connie, U-2, SR-71)

"Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir Of My Years At Lockheed".  Ben Rich.  Auto-biog of Kelly Johnson's protege. (F-117)

"The Lonely Sky: The Personal Story Of A Record-Breaking Experimental Test Pilot".  Bill Bridgeman, Navy pilot who started flying in WWII in Privateers doing low level gunship missions in the Pacific, then production test flying Skyraiders, graduating into the Navy's test program flying the Douglas Skyrocket and X-3 Stiletto.

"Wings On My Sleeve: The Worlds Greatest Test Pilot Tells His Story".  Eric (Winkle) Brown.  The Brit's answer to Chuck Yeager, with a normal sized ego.

Outside of aviation:

"The Making Of The Atomic Bomb" Richard Rhodes
"Dark Sun: The Making Of The Hydrogen Bomb" Richard Rhodes.  This pair have plenty of technical information on the bombs, but much more fascinating are the politics, personalities and espionage going on the background.


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Another really good one I'm reading at the moment:

Unbreakable - Laura Hillenbrand

It's about WWII hero Louie Zamperini, and it's an incredibly well written account of his amazing life. One of the best books I've read in quite a while.
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Listen The Wind- Anne Morrow Lindbergh.
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For you Coast Dogs; The Pathless Ways..... Justin de Goutière very hard to find in print except at the library.
Four Bars
Posts: 87
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Piece of Cake by Derek Robinson
Thud Ridge by Jack Broughton
Fate is The Hunter by Stephen Countts(sp?)
Lancaster by Leo McKinstry
Spitfire by Leo McKinstry
Twelve O'Clock High by Bernie Sanders
I Sank The Bismark
Four Bars
Posts: 87
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Serenade To The Big Bird by Bert Stiles
The World Aloft by Guy Murchie
Frigate Bird by C P Taylor

Posts: 1349
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Four Bars wrote: Piece of Cake by Derek Robinson
Thud Ridge by Jack Broughton
Fate is The Hunter by Stephen Countts(sp?)
Lancaster by Leo McKinstry
Spitfire by Leo McKinstry
Twelve O'Clock High by Bernie Sanders
I Sank The Bismark
That guys everywhere these days

Posts: 1349
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Just came across this book looks like ill ad it to my list
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Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:45 am

Yeager, An Autobiography.

The Flying White House, The Story of Air Force One - Ralph Abertazzie (AF1 Pilot).

Into the Abyss, Carol Shaben ( Peace River crash that killed Rachel Notley's father).
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