All they wanted was some Florida sunshine

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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[url= ... since-2010] ... since-2010[/url]

[quote]Two CF-18 fighter jets were preparing for a landing at a Florida airport that closed seven years ago but were warned off by air traffic controllers the facility no longer had a functioning runway.

The Royal Canadian Air Force jets began their approach on what they believed was Northwest Beaches but instead turned out to be SweetBay, an airport that closed in 2010.

the pilots were unfamiliar with the region and that Northwest Beaches International is only about 10 nautical miles away from the now closed SweetBay airport.[/quote]

Everyone is surprised when aircraft doing visual
approaches, land at the wrong airport.

Hell, I remember a friend of mine, flew a T-33
to Torbay.  Wanted to go to Gore Bay.  Like many
older pilots, a little hard of hearing.

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