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And yup about the same as always. :lol:

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These guys have been around as long as I've been flying. Just now they have more choice of platform to broadcast than hanging around at the local flying club.

Just for the kids out there, no interviewer has ever asked about the newest airplane I've ever flown, but they have been interested in the oldest ones. Don't get me wrong, it is kind of neat to try out something that doesn't smell of corroded aluminum, hundred weight and stale farts, but those planes aren't working airplanes, they're the toys of doctors, lawyers and dentists who generally aren't looking to hire pilots besides an instructor when they absolutely have to.
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Preaching to the choir:
When I used to do pilot interviews, I would look for oddities of aircraft, amongst the required stuff (TT matches the app and hiring mins, checkride failures etc…)

Today when I check certs, I look for weird or out dated types.
Down here, a CRJ or EMB170/190 is a dime a dozen; DC10 or HANSA Jet, hell even a BE02? Now that is interesting and worthy of inquiry.

I for one am anti social-media and couldn’t care less how many followers you have. If you’re a good person, I will back you. If your actions are only for insta clout: piss off; that 3 is now a 2 and let’s see how much of a Bob Hoover you are to avoid another 2.
Twin Beech restoration:
Slick Goodlin
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Nark wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:58 am Preaching to the choir:
When I used to do pilot interviews, I would look for oddities of aircraft, amongst the required stuff (TT matches the app and hiring mins, checkride failures etc…)

Today when I check certs, I look for weird or out dated types.
Down here, a CRJ or EMB170/190 is a dime a dozen; DC10 or HANSA Jet, hell even a BE02? Now that is interesting and worthy of inquiry.
I don’t do hiring anymore but when I did I’d do the same. That and get them to speak well of something in their past, and see of they would talk shit about their last employer. I just wanted a good attitude that wouldn’t poison the well, the rest could be trained if need be.

I think my successor was one of those “What kind of tree would you be?” interviewers.
David MacRay
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I don’t think he’s completely wrong. Big carriers don’t need a good pilot. They need someone efficient at accurate FMS data entry.
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As a diehard Airbus fanboi, their still need to be air sense when flying this 200,000lbs computer.

You can really see it when we circle to land. Heck, even daily when getting vectors for a base: when to slow down from 250kias and sequencing flaps and gear extension.

It’s not hard, but it’s nice when I don’t have to subtly suggest configuration changes for you (new hire).

To circle back: it’s nice to work with someone who wants to be there. Not the guys/girls (thankfully only 2 genders again…) who are pilots for reasons other than the joy of showing up for work: instafluencers/paycheck chasers/FA chasers etc…
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Does anyone care how you get your first 1500 hours?

A friend of mine is left seat on the 747 at Atlas, he says they are over-run with Aussie right seaters - why aren't Canadians there? The older ones are ok, but the younger ones like to mostly preen in their uniforms and take selfies all the time.

Do Canadians not like to fly freight? If you're going to fly one of those big pigs, that would be my choice. I don't give a fuck about turbulence, and the boxes don't complain.
Neil Peart didn't need you to be his friend
Slick Goodlin
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Nark wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 4:28 pm it’s nice to work with someone who wants to be there.
Ain’t that the truth? My job’s not perfect but I still feel like I won the lottery. Rare to find someone else like that and it’s pretty in vogue to bitch about everything so I kind of keep my mouth shut.

Fun fact: the ones who are cool almost all own airplanes.
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Slick Goodlin wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:14 pm
Nark wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 4:28 pm it’s nice to work with someone who wants to be there.
Ain’t that the truth? My job’s not perfect but I still feel like I won the lottery. Rare to find someone else like that and it’s pretty in vogue to bitch about everything so I kind of keep my mouth shut.

Fun fact: the ones who are cool almost all own airplanes.
Ain’t that the truth !

Col: we have a poop ton of Aussies as well. It goes back to VISA’s and when John Howard (I think the PM in 2003) supported GW Bush’s Iraq invasion. As a return favor he made/gave the Aussies an easy to obtain work path. Not like 46, who simply left the gate open and unguarded.
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Colonel wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:49 pm Does anyone care how you get your first 1500 hours?
Yeah, they do. I've sat in on hiring discussions where instructing hours are looked down upon, and lets be honest, if you got more than a few hundred multi hours in that first 1500 you're way more valuable than someone who doesn't.
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