Air China A320 Smokes a Flock of Birds

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Slick Goodlin
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I did something like that once with an MU-2 and probably well north of a hundred snow buntings. What a massacre, did a real number on one engine.
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Can’t recall doing something like that, but it wouldn’t be out of the realm.

Only story of note, hitting a bird, was at 9000’ on arrival to ORD. I was PF (FO). So much carnage over my windscreen I had to transfer controls to the Capt for landing.
I’m sure it was a goose. No damage… but holy smokes, does that grab your attention.
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Most I believe I hit was in a 727 coming out of Hamilton ON at dusk, I saw about 8 sparrows last second as we rotated.
I watched all the engine gauges closely but all was well.
I asked the skipper if he wanted me to report it. he replied "I don't like paperwork" ooook yes sir.
5 out of 2 Pilots are Dyslexic.
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