Trump Victory

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Rosco P Coltrane wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 3:39 pm Pretty sure I warned this scudrunner guy to stop posting political garbage. This is why we can’t have nice things.
That guys a dick he's always shit posting on Instagram and reddit.

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Indeed. I guess he has a nice hat.
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undocumented workers (yourself included)
Hold on Hold on Hold on.

I came here in 2015 on a TN visa, and then applied for an H-1B visa, then got a green card, then got my American citizenship.

Eight years of legal work, and around $100,000 in legal fees. I did it straight up. I obeyed the laws, unlike the Marxists.

And that's all we're asking for. Obey the laws. If you have contempt for us and our laws, go someplace else that aligns
with your political beliefs like North Korea or Venezuela or Cuba. I'm sure Cuba will give you a warm welcome, considering
who your PM is.

NB perhaps you are referring to my previous employment as an engineer in NY in the 1980's. I also obtained an H-1B for that,
and I was amused to see that I got credits from that era for my Social Security (you need 40). I paid into the Canadian government
pension plan for 30+ years and I am sure I will never see a dime from those fucks. Eight years now, and they won't even give me
back my laptop and phone they seized in 2016.
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Nark wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 1:45 pm Squaretail,

I don’t mean to pile it on,
I don't mind, I'm grown up and can speak in the spirit of discussion.

Illegal immigrants are a net fiscal drain, meaning they receive more in government services than
they pay in taxes. This result is not due to laziness or fraud. Illegal immigrants actually have
high rates of work, and they do pay some taxes, including income and payroll taxes. The
fundamental reason that illegal immigrants are a net drain is that they have a low average
education level, which results in low average earnings and tax payments. It also means a large
share qualify for welfare programs, often receiving benefits on behalf of their U.S.-born
children. Like their less-educated and low-income U.S.-born counterparts, the tax payments of
illegal immigrants do not come close to covering the cost they create.

Well if their children are US citizens, then obviously they shouldnt factor in that number. Unless you also consider them not really citizens either. The fact of the matter is if you're not a citizen, you cant receive any government benefits, and probably more importantly companies can hire you cheaper, and provide less protection in the workplace.
It’s not anecdotal that you bring in thousands/millions of revenue. It’s that the government pays out billions in welfare and other social benefits to the families of illegals.
It’s really hard to nail down exactly per capita expense of illegals, because they are hard to track in total numbers.
If the government money ends up supporting illegals, consider that the real beneficiaries here are the companies that hire them (much cheaper and disposable than Americans) and ultimately the consumer where prices are kept lower. The latter how your average American benefits from these workers. For example, if you bought any sort of meat produce in your last bag of groceries it had a good chance of in someway being produced by migrant workers.
Then, add in government representation. Our congress (House of Rep’s) district is based upon population, not citizens. It’s comes from census data, where they’re not allowed to ask about citizenship status. In theory you can have an entire district full of non-citizens having a representative in Congress. How is that not insane?

That is insane. But it doesnt mean that the illegals are represented since they dont get to vote. Its the same insanity where your states each get two senators regardless of population. It means that some votes get more representation. Nothing new in a representative democracy.
Before you get hot and bothered, I think a lot of us who vote republican are conservative’s and libertarians. My sister, (born, raised and lives in Canada, but works for an American airline) doesn’t know the difference between Republicans and conservatives. She’s not alone in that regard.
Hot and bothered? Please. Voting Republican because you're conservative? Sure i get that. If you're really a libertarian? Then you should really pay more attention. The republicans have some strange ideas about how they want to keep track of the population, and are all about government overreach when it comes to their more melding of church/state issues. We got rid of prayers in classrooms long ago, it doesnt need to come back.
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Colonel wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 5:19 pm
undocumented workers (yourself included)
Hold on Hold on Hold on.
I was referring to the fact that you probably bought some meat or a head of lettuce for a reaaonable price since you have been living in the US (Or Canada for that matter) As i recall, illegals make up a substantial part of the agriculture industry, and meat packing plants are some chief offenders. But you're a smart guy, you already knew that.

At the end of the day, while I agree that illegals should come lawfully, I also dont think they should be demonized as a group. I think there are better ways than some proposals of the next administration has, which should adress immigration issues and also consider the labour needs of the nation (much like Canada should too where perhaps labour needs are just as acute). The promise to round them up and deport them by the thousands seems expensive, ripe for abuse and mistakes and purely designed to strike fear into those affected.

And don't tell me to "go somewhere else" while telling me you hated America the last 4 years. I didnt see you having to sell your planes because the economy hit you hard or move to Texas because the libs were so bad.
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Rosco P Coltrane wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 3:39 pm Pretty sure I warned this scudrunner guy to stop posting political garbage. This is why we can’t have nice things.
Sorry man, probably wouldnt have participated, but i thought the site needed some action. And someone has to be the resident libtard.
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seems expensive
That hysterically funny. The Left print money and cause runaway inflation and then tell us we shouldn’t spend the money to enforce laws? You should do standup comedy.

I might remind you that one of your left wing heroes, FDR, found the money to illegally lock up American citizens of Japanese descent in concentration camps for the duration of WWII, a total violation of their constitutional right to due process.

But FDR loved Stalin, so should we be surprised?

Clearly you have never heard of of a guy called Eisenhower.

Try learning more about history.

And please don’t project your hatred of America on me. I spent 8 years and $100,000 in legal fees to become a citizen here. The Left are the people that hate. We don’t hate you. We are the tolerant ones. Turn on the news right now if you don’t believe me.

Your people are pretty revolting.
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Funny story. During my final interview for citizenship, one of the questions they ask is, “Are you willing to serve in a combat role in the military?”

I answered, “Hell yeah! I can bring my own weapons, too!”

Said no Good Canadian, ever. I actually did say that, BTW.

Before you get all smug and judgy about the above, please learn a little about the history of America, first. Specifically the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.


Your unbelievable assertion that I hate America is incredibly funny. Anyone that believes that can open their eyes and see the inside of their own rectum.
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Colonel wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 1:35 pm
seems expensive
That hysterically funny. The Left print money and cause runaway inflation and then tell us we shouldn’t spend the money to enforce laws?
Um, first inflation was caused by a lot of factors, not just "the left" but secondly, I'm merely pointing out the inconsistency of your views. I'm not the one who has problems with government spending. You are the one who voted to curb it, but my discovery is that right leaning voters have no problems with spending tax dollars, as long as its something they like. So that's fine, but lets not hear you bitching about deficits anymore.

On that note, I find it bizarre that for the last bunch of years the Republicans have been promising all the government agencies they are going to cull, but one of Trumps first plans is to create yet another government agency...
I might remind you that one of your left wing heroes,

Let me stop you there before you knock that strawman down.

Its curious that this part of your post
The Left are the people that hate. We don’t hate you. [/quote]

Ends with
Your people are pretty revolting.
Im not seeing a lot of love there. Show me a part of one of my posts where i have made such a judgement. Im not going to discuss history with you, though i suspect Im a bigger student of it than most. Nothing in the world is black and white.
Colonel wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 2:14 pm please learn a little about the history of America, first. Specifically the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.

Maybe we can sit down and discuss them sometime. Personally one of my favourite bits is the Battle of Hampton Roads, as it marks a world changing event, but i digress.
Your unbelievable assertion that I hate America is incredibly funny.
I dont assert that. I think maybe there is a lot of Americans you at least strongly dislike, and that's a wholly seperate point. But i hate to point out to anyone who subscribes the the MAGA ideology, it says it right in the title. Making it great again asserts that it isnt great now, which is pretty bold.

If my assertion that you hate America is wrong, then your assertion that i hate it is ludicrous as well. Ive only expressed opinoons of things to come that might not turn out well, which seems to upset you. Maybe mass deportations will go smooth. Im just opining that i think that's approaching the problem from the wrong angle. But i get that having an opinion contrary to the dear leaders is akin to heresy in some circles, so brand me a heretic if it makes you feel better.
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Maybe you should stop voting for Trump?
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