Trump Victory

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Market distortions are frequently thought to be a good thing because they are well-intentioned but there are unintended consequences.

How about the idea that everyone should own a house. That sounds noble, right? What could possibly go wrong? Well NINJA sub-prime mortgages gave you the 2008 worldwide financial collapse.

Hey, how about the idea that everyone should get a college education? Well, that turned out as well as opioid prescriptions (which led to the current heroin epidemic) because we have $1.7 Trillion in student debt for absolutely nothing gained except a heavy subsidy of a wildly left wing academia who are currently telling over half of America to go kill themselves.


Not a fan. See, there's the difference. We laugh at the Left, they want to kill us. They have so much hate and rage and anger.

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You guys probably don't think much of Victor Davis Hanson, but I really enjoy listening to him and learning from a professor of history that doesn't hate America and doesn't want to kill people that disagree with him. You know, old school.

Anyways, he makes the point that Donald Trump got pretty much the same number of votes as last time in 2020, when he lost to the illustrious Joe Biden during the era of mail-in ballots and vote-counting machines that ran all night. See, Joe Biden was such a great leader that he got 20 MILLION more votes in 2020 than Kamala Harris in 2024.

Victor Davis Hanson points out that America's population grows 1% per year, and with all the illegal aliens that we know voted in the swing states in 2024, it doesn't make any sense.

Where did those mysterious 20 million mail-in Joe Biden voters go, in 2024? Are they all watching the donkey show in Tijuana?


And the counting goes on in notoriously corrupt Maricopa County, where there can't possibly be any cartel money influencing the election.
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Nark wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 6:09 pm That’s my entire point:
Market demand not subsidized routes.
Sure, and I would tend to agree with you. I'm just commenting that this subsidy in particular benefits red voters more than blue voters. While the airlines are the big beneficiary, its essentially a transfer of wealth from Blue taxpayers to Red ones. Its best to think of most subsidies that way. Paradoxically, It think if Americans voted solely in their economic self interest the map would be flipped. I mean Canadians do, conservative strongholds like Alberta are typically subject to wealth transfer to Liberal (or PQ) voting provinces. But that's just my opinion.

On the subject, Not mentioned on the list of aviation related items, yet probably one of the biggest and most detrimental impacts the Trump presidency is planning that will be aviation affecting is the privatization of NOAA. Again, I think one can look to Canada as an example of what slashing budgets does in this area. EC has terrible forecasts which seem to have gotten worse over the years, mostly I feel because of a reduction of actual meteorologists and a reliance on automated resources. The US has been slowly moving this way as well, where you see more auto stations which somedays seem horrifically unreliable. One almost wonders if they're solely generated by AI. With a push in this direction I can't see it turning out well. I mean NAVCANADA's weather website has become even worse to use - I'd hate for the American one to follow suit.
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Colonel wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 3:11 pm
Anyways, he makes the point that Donald Trump got pretty much the same number of votes as last time in 2020, when he lost to the illustrious Joe Biden during the era of mail-in ballots and vote-counting machines that ran all night. See, Joe Biden was such a great leader that he got 20 MILLION more votes in 2020 than Kamala Harris in 2024.

Victor Davis Hanson points out that America's population grows 1% per year, and with all the illegal aliens that we know voted in the swing states in 2024, it doesn't make any sense.
It is of course conceivable that more people just stayed home in 2024, voted for independents (RFK Jr and Jill Stein still got a lot of votes, in spite of the fact that RFK Jr. wasn't even in the race) Also at the moment, try only a difference of 11 million votes between Biden in 2020 and Harris in 2024. Not surprising since Biden's approval was in the +50% in his first year, dropping to about 35% in this year.

Your team won... why not just enjoy it? I don't even see anyone questioning it but for the most crazy of the far left circles, and even that they're already got a circular firing squad started. The worst that will happen this coming Jan 6 will be maybe some drum circles at the capitol. Looks like you even got all the houses. Lets see what he gets done this time, the only ting they passed the last time they had all houses was a tax cut. Maybe they'll do that again.
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Eric Janson
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Squaretail wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 7:46 pm Your team won... why not just enjoy it? I don't even see anyone questioning it but for the most crazy of the far left circles, and even that they're already got a circular firing squad started. The worst that will happen this coming Jan 6 will be maybe some drum circles at the capitol. Looks like you even got all the houses. Lets see what he gets done this time, the only ting they passed the last time they had all houses was a tax cut. Maybe they'll do that again.
I hope you're correct regarding Jan 06 - but Antifa is already gearing up.

You seem to have forgotten that President Trump was actively opposed on everything he tried to do - even being sabotaged by his own party.
There was also the Russia hysteria - which has since been proven to be totally false. Still no charges or prison for anyone involved.
And 2 impeachments for things he didn't do.

The stage is already being set to sabotage him again. The Deep State is not a conspiracy theory - they really exist!
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It’s a lot worse than that.

The Left tried to bankrupt him.
The Left tried to imprison him with Lawfare and convicted him of 34 garbage felonies. On Tuesday an activist judge will try to imprison him.
The Left raided his house, went through his wife’s underwear and made up some bullshit about classified documents meanwhile Joe Biden has documents loose all over his garage.

When none of the above stopped him, the Left tried to kill him. Twice. Even money they try again before Jan 20th. You have no idea how crazed all these Marxists are.

Shiny, are you proud of all the above? I just voted for the guy so I probably don’t get an opinion - I’m told I should go kill myself - but over half of America thinks that he is fighting for us.
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Squaretail wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 7:23 pm
Nark wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 6:09 pm That’s my entire point:
Market demand not subsidized routes.
Sure, and I would tend to agree with you. I'm just commenting that this subsidy in particular benefits red voters more than blue voters. While the airlines are the big beneficiary, its essentially a transfer of wealth from Blue taxpayers to Red ones. Its best to think of most subsidies that way. Paradoxically, It think if Americans voted solely in their economic self interest the map would be flipped. I mean Canadians do, conservative strongholds like Alberta are typically subject to wealth transfer to Liberal (or PQ) voting provinces. But that's just my opinion.

On the subject, Not mentioned on the list of aviation related items, yet probably one of the biggest and most detrimental impacts the Trump presidency is planning that will be aviation affecting is the privatization of NOAA. Again, I think one can look to Canada as an example of what slashing budgets does in this area. EC has terrible forecasts which seem to have gotten worse over the years, mostly I feel because of a reduction of actual meteorologists and a reliance on automated resources. The US has been slowly moving this way as well, where you see more auto stations which somedays seem horrifically unreliable. One almost wonders if they're solely generated by AI. With a push in this direction I can't see it turning out well. I mean NAVCANADA's weather website has become even worse to use - I'd hate for the American one to follow suit.
Our flight service system has been privatized for years. I’m pretty sure it’s Lockheed Martin running the show.

It’s “good enough.” I’m able to open and close flight plans read notams (notice to airmen, not missions) , etc. I see a rise in AI until a catastrophic failure. Every industry is leaning more and more on it.
I don’t think Aviation is immune to its use.
Musk believes robots will out number us in the next 10-20 years.

After all he’s done, kind of hard to call him a conspiracy nut.

Also, much like 2017-2021 I don’t think the world, through Americas influence, will fall apart.
Maybe just the political elites being scared shitless they’re no longer a class above us proles.
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It’s important to know that the Democratic and Republican parties have completely changed.

Democrats used to represent the working people. Not any more. They are full-on Marxists and are owned by the elite billionaires like George Soros and the arrogant managerial/bureaucratic class that think they have a right to rule because they think they are our intellectual and moral superiors. Not exactly.

All the old-timey Republicans are gone. The Cheneys, the Romney, the Bushes, they are all butt-hurt and gone. In fact most of them are Democrats now. The Republican Party now represents the working class and are composed of ex-Democrats like Donald Trump, Bobby Kennedy, Tulsi Gabbard and Elon Musk.

These people were not Satan when they were Democrats and they are not Satan now that they are Republicans and want to take our country back from the perverts and liars and thieves and Marxists.
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Eric Janson wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 10:27 pm

I hope you're correct regarding Jan 06 - but Antifa is already gearing up.
I would bet money on it. While I know you may have an inflated view of left leaning people there's the simple fact that left leaning voters aren't the ones who like to cosplay as military, they don't by large own arsenals of weapons, belong to militias or other groups, and real anarchists by their nature are spectacularly poor at organizing. I mean the depressed vote count to me just says those opposed to Trump on the left just don't care that much about him being in power. Does Kamala have a rally scheduled for Jan 6 this year to whip a crowd up? Not likely. If she can't inspire people to vote, she can't inspire them to riot. Sure there will probably be some marches and protests, but not like Jan 6 was. I think there is a women's march planned, so be careful out there if you're afraid of people with pink hats.
You seem to have forgotten that President Trump was actively opposed on everything he tried to do - even being sabotaged by his own party.
Um, that's how politics work. If Trump as the effective leader of his party couldn't keep them in line his first two years, that's on him. They had no plans for actually repealing Obamacare and everyone knew. They had no plans for actual infrastructure and it showed. They didn't even have a plan to build a wall and anyone sane knew this. He lost the house and senate, and my prediction is that at least the house will flip back to the democrats in the next election cycle after voters remember what a Trump presidency is like.

The stage is already being set to sabotage him again. The Deep State is not a conspiracy theory - they really exist!
My prediction is the Democrats will not give him votes for stuff he wants, the economy will suddenly be "perfect" the day he takes office, and the Republicans will waste time trying to out-Trump one another to suck up to him and their infighting will be what really holds up his agenda. I'm curious if Mike Johnson will be able to hold the speakership or if he'll fall afoul of some of the farthest right members of the house for like being seen talking to a democrat or something some day. Because now they actually have to govern and they didn't do a good job the last time.
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Nark wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2024 3:45 am

Our flight service system has been privatized for years. I’m pretty sure it’s Lockheed Martin running the show.
Yeah, I've had beefs with that. Not super enthused by when you phone sometimes you have to sit through their ad extolling their priority service. But I was more talking about actual gathering of weather data, which NOAA still does independently from what I know, where as Environment Canada has outsourced to agencies like NAVCANADA.
I see a rise in AI until a catastrophic failure. Every industry is leaning more and more on it.
I don’t think Aviation is immune to its use.
I would agree with you, I would just speculate that more deregulation in this area is going to increase the probability of that catastrophic failure. Companies are already terrible about trying to slap "AI" into everything just for the sake of doing it.

Musk believes robots will out number us in the next 10-20 years.

After all he’s done, kind of hard to call him a conspiracy nut.
They already do, depending on your definition of "robot". If you're referring to AI directed robots, you're probably right too, though I don't think its what people think. I got already an AI powered toaster, which theoretically is supposed to get it right every time, but doesn't. So far stuff like self driving cars are farther away from mass consumption than he would lead his investors to believe. And just because he's right about something, doesn't mean he isn't still nuts about other things. I don't know about you, but if I was the richest man in the world, I wouldn't be on twitter all day long. I would be like bigfoot, there would only be rare sightings of me.

Also, much like 2017-2021 I don’t think the world, through Americas influence, will fall apart.
Maybe just the political elites being scared shitless they’re no longer a class above us proles.
I don't think it will either, but I do think things will shift. I think the next few years are going to be less good for Americans making less than $50K a year.
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