Passed my FAA Commercial

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Colonel wrote:
Wed Oct 23, 2024 3:39 pm
get my TC APTL
Mine’s being renewed right now
My booklet has been expired for almost a year now. They seem to be ignoring my application for renewal. I phoned TC and they said no one cares, there's a permanent exemption. Alrighty then. ... 3-2023.pdf
They tried that with us, I called our PIO and said hey I know this isn't you bag, but I don't need to show up to Mexico or Panama with an expired licence waving a printed off note from TC daddy and hope the Federalies are cool. We got them issued but you need to know a guy and bitch at them hard. Helps to have a former MP on speed dial.

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After months of phoning I actually got someone on the phone at TC and I brought up this exact issue and he said my having trouble with an expired license in a foreign country wasn’t a problem for him.

Hey. Slight change of subject. I heard you guys are phoning in your Medicals now. How can I get some of that?
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Colonel wrote:
Sun Oct 27, 2024 10:18 am
I heard you guys are phoning in your Medicals now. How can I get some of that? ... e-renewals
The details of my life are quite inconsequential...
David MacRay
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Huh, once a year. I don’t like paying the Transport Canada fee as often as I do already. I’ll just waddle into a doctor’s office if I want another medical.
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Last time I checked, the closest Canadian doctor who could do medicals, was 350 miles south of me in LA.

Not much new under the sun. I used to have to go to Manitoba to renew my instructor ratings - I was told
to not even bother trying in Ontario - and I would go to Montreal for my medical to try to distance myself
from Jim Pfaff, who made it pretty clear he was going to get me.

Then Arlo - the guy responsible for your stupid fucking booklets - told the ICAS airshow evaluators in Canada
not to renew our airshow licences, so I had to fly one up from Key West every year, which was not exactly
economical either.

Taxes can come in many different forms.
Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines - Brian Mulroney
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