The Perfect Man - he's got to be able to fly

Flying Tips and Advice from The Colonel!
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Hard to argue with that

Do recall the King of Cool ... story.html
Steve McQueen was living with his girlfriend in a hangar at the Santa Paula Airport. During the day, he learned to pilot a World War II-era biplane. In the evening, the tough-guy superstar would crack open cold beers with grease monkeys, fledgling pilots and aging flyboys who still had a few loop-de-loops left in them.

McQueen and his girlfriend, a stunning model who would become his third wife, slept on a four-poster brass bed amid his vintage motorcycles and airplane parts. His bright- yellow Stearman biplane loomed over their cramped quarters, its wings close enough to create a head-whacking hazard for someone groping through the dark.

But life was good: On Saturday nights, the couple kicked back in their hangar -- really a big storage shed -- to watch “The Love Boat” and “Fantasy Island” on a black-and-white TV. Dinner was often a feed at the local Chinese restaurant.
I lived in a hangar for 15 years, and boy did I ever get shit on by virtuous Canadians for doing that. Best place I ever lived.

Neil Peart didn't need you to be his friend
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I love the parody.

It’s a sad state when you see 20-30yo chicks demanding guys they “date” be 6’+, makes 6 figures and let them go out with the girls clubbing, while they stay home, and not golf with the boys.

They are confused why they can’t find “love.”

Sorry ladies, I’m already taken.
Twin Beech restoration:
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Indeed. Dumb question. At the end, when she says she wants her man to be able to fly ....

Is that with the help of mechanical stuff like wings attached to a fuselage, or is she referring to Clark Kent, whom only needed a cape?
Neil Peart didn't need you to be his friend
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