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Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:29 pm

PS. I had to do a PT test this morning. 40* F ~5C I think. Army ACFT if you want to google it, but it culminate with a 2mile run.
I may be from “up north” but running in that cold sucks no matter who you are.

Day time temps are 20*c or so. Much more pleasant.

Twin Beech restoration:
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I was flying from Tofino to Calgary. The weather wasn't great I could have lived up to Alias but meh why bother.

Filed IFR to VFR in the Mixmaster picked up my clearance minutes later and departed.
Was so easy to reference the waypoints and modify when I got a re route.
Never done that Single Pilot in the shit hand bombing it in the climb but FF made it simple.
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I have FF on my phone and it’s actually my only nav. I have no nav radios in the panel and my phone is my portable GPS.

I don’t actually own a pad but if you do, you’re welcome and I hope they work well for you. They are ridiculously big for my cockpit.

For many years the mini pad was not updated. I remember when Eric and I were doing the update - it has the same SoC as the iPhone13 which he was DRI on - that pilots were really going to like the new mini pad. The right size for the cockpit and the phone SoC was plenty powerful for it.

Remember the bug where a pad wouldn’t work over 30,000 feet? I filed a radar for it and got Bill to look at it.
Day time temps are 20C
That sounds nice. It's cool here in the morning in December - maybe 50F at night and it gets to 60/65F in the afternoon.
Weirdly, the sun here (37 deg lat) still feels hot, despite the approaching winter solstice.
You're at lot further south at Rucker (31 deg lat).
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