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Login Help

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 2:56 pm
by ScudRunner-d95
Hi Everyone, I was not able to log into my own site! It kept saying my login threshold attempt has been met and try again in 30 seconds. So I did and same message or that my password was incorrect :o

Anyway I was able to get back in by clearing my browsers cookies and bam I was back in.

anyone else encountered this? As you know Im pretty good with a computer but still learning how many things work on here so I am by no means an expert.

I will be setting up an email account for this site today for support etc

Has anyone had any issues like this on my site? Please let me know I will try and fix them.

Thanks again everyone and look at that we are up to 40 member and more signing up everyday

Lets keep getting the word out and grow this site!