That sure looks like fun

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Colonel wrote:
Thu Mar 17, 2022 6:04 pm ... 235206386/

Now, why didn’t I think of that?

It’s not easy to do something fun in a Cessna.
Looks like the Chinese tried to do something similar with a 737?

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Colonel wrote:
Mon Mar 21, 2022 10:52 pm

I phoned up CIBC in Canada and asked them if my bank account was seized. Apparently that’s the new normal in Canada. I saw on the news here that the OPP was going to people’s houses and threatening them about their Facebook posts.

Holy fuck. You’ve gone completely bananas. Try as you might, you cannot possibly normalize that horrendous deviance.

But hey, at least we don't lock them up and waterboard them in an island in front of our coast.

Not yet, anyway.
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you cannot possibly normalize that horrendous deviance.
Thanks for pointing that out. I had no idea that all the truckers in Ottawa weren't Canadian citizens.

I guess the CBC was right - the Russians were behind the protests in Canada.

And hey, you can say lots of bad things about Putin, but he cancelled COVID.
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JW Scud
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Colonel wrote:
Mon Mar 21, 2022 10:52 pm
Not sure I will travel to Russia or Canada any time soon.

In addition to TC’s usual shenanigans, your Prime Minister has declared that I am a rascist, misogynistic Nazi and he will not tolerate me and there is no space for me in Canada.
Slick Goodlin
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I said somewhere that I thought they were going to make it look easy. I was wrong.
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Is 50% a pass?

This may look like a fail but it’s going to mightily piss off Trevor Jacobs and that’s always a win :^)
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Slick Goodlin
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Colonel wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:44 am
This may look like a fail but it’s going to mightily piss off Trevor Jacobs and that’s always a win :^)
He may gain a cellmate or two, turns out they never got approval. I’m surprised they didn’t move the whole affair to Mexico or something like that time a documentary crew crashed an unmanned 727.

I’m just an idiot but permits aside it seems to me like they should have taken the time to get stabilized in the dive before leaving.
John Swallow
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SG: they did a lot of speed brake testing to get the right position - even had to lower it a few inches to change the airflow over the tail. I wonder if they ever stalled or spun the aircraft with the device deployed?
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