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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am


I presume they must have charged extra
for that.  Skydiving is like hookers - the
good stuff always costs more!

David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

We should go get a DC-3 type rating.

I wonder if we can find a bargain on one in Africa or something, take Chuck over and bring it back. There was one in Morroco a few years ago. Pretty affordable. Needed a little TLC.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

At Geneseo a few years back, I was flying with Rob
Holland and he told me than in lieu of an appearance
fee, he was getting his DC-3/C-47 type rating (I think
the door is the main difference).

Quite the meat bomber!  My father says it's a gentle
old cow to fly.  He found the Beech 18 far more squirrely
and fond of swapping ends on the runway (RCAF used
to have both).
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

Well -- recently someone asked me to compare the DC-3 to the DC3T and it was pretty simple - the DC3 is a grand old lady and the DC3T is the slut --- lmfaoooooooo
Slick Goodlin
Posts: 721
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:46 pm

Liquid Charlie wrote: the DC3T is the slut
Faster?  Easier?  I can't imagine it's giving it away for free...
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

Faster?  Easier?
-- Faster yes by at least 50 kts  but easier no -- it's a DC3 on steroids with the odd bit of roid rage thrown in.
Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

When my bro explained the process to raise and lower the landing gear in the dc3 my brain hurt. After that I think my desire to ditch my gold rimmed coffee cup holder, APU heated/cooled cabin, stand up lav with running water and go back to bush flying diminished.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

It would be like tent camping Scud.

It's fun if you go for one or two nights. Not so fun if you go for four months and have to cut down trees while there's daylight.
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