PIA crash: the pilots were having a conversation about coronavirus

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5 out of 2 Pilots are Dyslexic.
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Doesn't matter what they were talking about - below 10 grand - more dumb pilots doing what they may to good aircraft.
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
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That's a nasty flu.
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Covid 19 is blamed for everything else so why not just blame the accident on it. There is no way that a national airline would employ incompetent pilots. It's also OK to drive a max into the ground at 500 kts - to many aircraft and not enough drivers, just too many low quality pilots. I wonder at what point it will stabilise and the quality of pilot and aircraft will again become one. Never I suspect. That's why removal of the pilot and automated flight is inevitable. I wonder how AI will deal with enroute WX -- we are fucked, the number of drivers out there who can't drive a manual transmission says it all :mrgreen:
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
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What no one seems to care about is that they didn't close the runway
and take photos and collect the FOD.

I guess everyone is cool with doing this. Again.


Is FOD something exotic now? Will there be advanced training given on FOD?
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