Oh look, a Chipmunk.

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David MacRay
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It seems like a nice one. Too bad I don't know how to import stuff.

https://www.controller.com/listings/air ... land-dhc-1

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DHC-1's are registered in Canada as certified aircraft with a type certificate
as far as I can tell.

You don't want to import this. It would be horrible - decades upon decades
of repairs and modifications, very few of which would be acceptable to TC.

I know a guy tried to import a certified Pitts S-2A. It wasn't the mods that
shut him down - TC didn't like the 337 which the FAA accepted for a repair,
decades before. The shop was long gone, and TC wanted more information
on the repair from the shop that didn't exist any more.

What a giant pain in the @ss. You would have to find a shop that TC liked,
to re-certify someone else's repair. Good luck with that. Basically, TC stated
that the aircraft was not eligible for importation.

I guess you could sent the aircraft back to Aviat, and they could tear it
down to the last nut and bolt, and they could re-manufacture the aircraft
with a DAR sign-off that it conformed to the type certificate. As you might
imagine, that is not economically feasible. The re-manufacture of the
aircraft would cost more than the aircraft was worth afterwards, so even
if you got it for free, it would have negative value.

Reminds me of the time I tried to import a perfect, new Pitts S-2C into
Canada. I happened to be the first person to try to do so. Despite it
having the same type certificate and production type certificate as the
Pitts S-2B, TC told me I would have to pay for a team of TC Inspectors
to travel to Afton, Wyoming to inspect the S-2C and it's production.

I gave up on that pretty quickly. Once you start going down that rathole,
I'm not sure where it ends. Maybe a half-million dollars? Maybe a couple

Years later, I see that there are several S-2C's on the register, so someone
must have paid TC off. Or more likely, TC has different rules for different
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David MacRay
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I try to avoid looking at non Canadian registered planes but it's so nice in the pictures.

I just need to win Lottomax. Then I can buy a nice apartment in the French quarter and base that Chipmonk at some residential air park in Texas.

It's good it will never happen. Would be a shame for it sit idle. I suppose it would make a nice static display.

Maybe I just need a scrap unit, or have they all been parted out and recycled?
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I've heard very nice things about how a Chipmunk flies and lands.

This one is original, and should stay far away from me. I am not
much of a fan of that engine. That airplane would be vastly
improved with an engine/prop swap.

You could go all old-timey with a radial engine. R-985 is probably
too heavy, but you can never have too much Cowbell or Wasp, Jr.
Great engine.

You could go George Jetson with a PT-6. Wayne Handley kinda did
that before. Didn't work out real well for his vertebrae, but ....
Hey, what about that Allison they stuck on the Maule? De-rated to
420HP or something like that?

You could go practical with a Lyc 540. Art Scholl comes to mind.

Need to get the cowling right, to make it look good.

I have this very bad habit, of wanting to fix broken things. It's
what makes me a BAD PERSON, I understand.
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Slick Goodlin
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Colonel wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 12:48 am I've heard very nice things about how a Chipmunk flies and lands.

This one is original, and should stay far away from me.
A nice stock Chipmunk should probably stay stock. On the other hand, if I were to come across a stash of Chipmunk parts it would be hard not to follow Mark Meredith’s lead.

This thing is all sorts of hot:
Slick Goodlin
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David MacRay wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 5:55 pm Too bad I don't know how
That’s a silly excuse to not do something. If you want something bad enough just learn... or do it poorly. Whichever.
David MacRay
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Thank you but, I'm just browsing.
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"For every professional, there is an amateur who just wouldn't quit."

Ever watch "Wheeler Dealers"? Ant is entirely self-taught. No training
or qualifications whatsoever, to do what he does, so much better than
almost anyone else.
Anstead joined Hertfordshire Constabulary in 1999 and became a Police Constable first stationed at Bishop's Stortford. He moved to Cheshunt police station and then became a member of the Tactical Firearms Team (TFU) in Welwyn Garden City making him one of the youngest armed officers ever in the UK. During his police career, Anstead received two commendations for acts of bravery.

In 2005 Anstead resigned from the Police to pursue a career as a car builder. He started building and restoring cars for clients and built recreation cars and one-offs. He also built unique pieces of art and sculpture and many of his works are housed globally in museums and private collections.

Anstead played semi-professional football for over 15 years playing over 700 matches at Ryman level and made the transition from goalkeeper to striker, most notably becoming the only player to win Ryman league promotions in both positions.
My friend has a garage full of RV-10 parts. It's going to be good!
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David MacRay
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I'd like to do this but I am reasonably certain I don't want to own a cyber truck.

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Why not just leave in N registered? Get a FAA licence based on your Canadian one.
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