Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:30 pm
Every once in a while someone makes a post that just has to be shared....this one was by Photofly at Avcanada.
[quote]Oh my goodness.
The three degree approach was invented for the jet transport aircraft. It's entirely inappropriate for a piston single.
Anyone who thinks a c150 should fly a 3 degree glide slope, and therefore be at 650' agl on a two mile final, is out of their tiny mind. Anyone who thinks a c150 should be doing 100kts ground speed on approach is even dumber.
Anyone who teaches a pilot to fly a three degree approach in a c150 "so they can learn what it looks like" needs to be lowered by their testicles into a vat of fuming nitric acid.
Fly the fucking plane you're in, not the one you're dreaming of.
[quote]Oh my goodness.
The three degree approach was invented for the jet transport aircraft. It's entirely inappropriate for a piston single.
Anyone who thinks a c150 should fly a 3 degree glide slope, and therefore be at 650' agl on a two mile final, is out of their tiny mind. Anyone who thinks a c150 should be doing 100kts ground speed on approach is even dumber.
Anyone who teaches a pilot to fly a three degree approach in a c150 "so they can learn what it looks like" needs to be lowered by their testicles into a vat of fuming nitric acid.
Fly the fucking plane you're in, not the one you're dreaming of.