How to get hired

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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Article on interviews: ... ime-hiring

[quote]Most surprising to me was the number of business owners who have had a candidate joined by mom in the interview. More than a few said mom did all the talking during the interview taking helicopter parenting to a new level[/quote]

Leave mommy at home, ok?

Some more suggestions:

- show up for the interview [i]on time[/i]
- dressed for the job
- a short, clean resumé free of spelling and grammatical errors
- show an enthusiasm to learn
- trying to stick with a job for at least two years

Realistic expectations and a work ethic would
do wonders ... business owners reported seeing:

[quote]a sliding work ethic and an immediate expectation of high salaries, benefits and advancement among job seekers[/quote]

Even if you don't have knowledge and experience,
show up with talent and enthusiasm.

Posts: 69
Joined: Sun May 24, 2015 9:54 pm

I've heard various discussions about what to wear to interviews, but I must say, overdressing is far less of a boo-boo than underdressing.  Even if you seem to be too "dressed up", it just shows you are a keener and trying hard to impress (i.e. you care enough to try).

And one important note - please please PLEASE leave that obnoxious cologne at home!  Speaking as someone who gets congested and ends up blowing my nose, sneezing and having to clear my throat while trying to make a radio call, I beg you - don't wear aftershave or cologne in the cockpit (or to an interview).  I know you like the smell, but I like to be able to breathe and speak without hindrance.  It's not a matter of preference - I actually like the smell of some colognes/perfumes - it's a matter of comfort and health.

(Regarding the whole interview thing - when I worked in an office I actually made the comment to the boss that I hoped he either (a) wouldn't hire the guy he had just interviewed or (b) ask him to not wear cologne to the office if he did hire him.  I could actually track his path through our office based on the massive scent trail he left behind.)
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

After many years of dealing with the "good the bad and the ugly" it always seems the best guys and gals are the ones who have rose about the ashes - taken all the shit handed to them and kept their mouth shut and were keen to learn -- even when they see something they don't think is completely correct - as long as it does not effect safety it's best to ask the captain to explain his reasoning after you are on the ground than shoot your mouth off at the time -- you might be surprised that there are actually more than one way of doing something -- some of the best captains I have known were absolute genius when they were F/O's - did their job - honed their skills and subtly picked their captains' brains and separated the bullshit from the real stuff and were far better for it -- in short if you are cocky or a know-it-all you will be kicked to matt so fast your ass will hurt for a very long time and you will not have good luck finding future employment - I know it's ugly but it's a fact in Canadian aviation -- maybe all these colleges and schools should add Fist job 703 101 to their last year of school -- reality is a bitch -- 
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