Who is teaching this?!

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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I know pilots love plastic nosewheel trainers
because they allow people with absolutely no
stick and rudder skill to become airline pilots
but ...

Are people really happy with this landing technique?

Paper pushers like that kind of flying.  I do not.
I like this kind of flying:

Paper pushers hate that kind of flying.  According
to them, pilots with that kind of skill, are [b]BAD PEOPLE.[/b]

I get tired of the nonsense from the paper pushers.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

We all know there is plenty of crappy flight
training everywhere in the world.

In Canada, crappy flight training is merely
extremely embarrassing, given our long
heritage of proficiency at stick and rudder
flying under difficult circumstances.

At an airshow a few years back, Carlos Dardano
(he dead sticked the 737 a few years back)
was busting my balls about this.  From his
central american viewpoint, all of us Norte
Americanos (you know, gringos) are the
same, and he said,

"What the hell happened to you guys?  You
used to be the best pilots in the world, and
now look at you!"

He has a point.

We should have higher standards than other
countries, regardless of what some people
might think.

You probably don't remember, but last
winter it snowed in New York (really) and
this is what happened:


All the pansies and candy-ass four-bars
cancelled, but not IcelandAir.  "On Time"!

A comment at the time:

[quote]Sitting in AMS as pax a couple years back waiting for KEF flight, Schiphol a complete disaster due to 1.5" of heavy wet snow. IcelandAir pilot gets on PA at their one gate, "So, we have been told by Schiphol that operations have been disrupted by the heavy snow, or as we call this in Iceland, [b]what might come inside on your shoes[/b]. We just wanted to offer to the freezing dutchmen that [b]one of our pilots would be more than happy to drive the fuel truck[/b] in these unfamiliar conditions if that would help us get the gas we need to get out of your little airport." AMS staff did not look amused.[/quote]

Betcha Arlo recommended to the FAA that they
charge the left-seater of FI615 with careless and
reckless.  Obviously a "prudent" pilot would have
cancelled that day, n'est ce pas?
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]I just keep running into pilots and instructors who just don't seem to give a damn.[/quote]

Might be time to hurt their feelings (gasp)

[quote]I have to go fly two Maules today, a 210 and a 235 M-5 models.[/quote]

Sounds like fun!

Remember to use the boost pump for takeoff
for the 235 but [b]NOT[/b] for the 210!

Be sure and wear your white gloves in the
Maule, so you are at your best:

Chuck Ellsworth

When are you going to have that Cub ready to teach on?

There is a supply of pilots out there who need a few hours of corrective training so large you could fly 24 / 7.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]a very nice new-ish 182. 
He porpoised it off the nose wheel several times until it blew,
tore the nosewheel pant to shreds,
and curled six inches on each prop blade.[/quote]

Sigh.  TC oughta pull his ticket - but they
won't, because he is non-threatening.

Regardless, he is not competent to fly solo
and should not hold a pilot licence.  I would
like to find the Santa Claus DPE that gave
him a licence and kick his ass.

[quote]Cub ready to teach on?[/quote]

The more I think about it, the more I am
convinced that we need a shitload of instructors
with a cub and an apache for remedial
stick + rudder training.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

I have to wonder if he taught himself on Microsoft flight sim?

<html><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9FEc42othx0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
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