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I'm able to log in again..EUREKA!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 2:54 am
by Chuck Ellsworth
Hi gang:

I have been unable to log in ever since Skud had his finger in the wrong place..but he has it fixed now.

I have high hopes this site will be the place to meet and communicate with each other and share info in a adult manner.

As time went by at Avcanada I got deeper and deeper into responding to posters who eventually got the responses they wanted and finally the mods just got tired of the constant negativity which I had allowed myself to be part of and if I started a subject it just got moderated to the point there was no subject.

I take full responsibility for allowing it to get to that point.

So on this site I will make an effort not to get sucked into responding to posters who figured out how to push my buttons  ;D ;D

I think a lot of the old gang will eventually find their way here.

Re: I'm able to log in again..EUREKA!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:04 am
by ScudRunner-d95
Skud had his finger in the wrong place..but he has it fixed now.
Oh sorry baby wrong place? (I kept it sort of clean, however you did say adult somewhere in your post)

welcome back Chuck!

Re: I'm able to log in again..EUREKA!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 3:03 am
by Air Mail
I hear ya Chuck, I'm guilty of it too, it's the nature of the beast over there and with soo much negativity it's hard not to fall into it.  I as well hope for this site to be a better place