"I've been fired from better jobs than this"

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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

If you don't say that at least once in your career, sooner or
later you will let really stupid people on the ground talk you
into doing really stupid things in the air.

[u]Know your limitations.  Fly within them.  Try to expand them.[/u]

As I have said before, the two most dangerous things I did in
airplanes in my lifetime, were at the insistence of two different
TC Inspectors.  I should have told them both to take a long walk
off a short pier.  Amazingly, I lived.  I like to charitably think that
they were merely incredibly stupid, and not outright homicidal,
but after considerable and lengthy reflection, I remain unsure.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

It's easy to spot outrageous behavior when you first arrive in a
group or company.  All it takes is a little backbone when you
realize that what these people are doing is not healthy, to do
the right thing.  You know.  Leave.

Reminds me of my friend - let's call him Joe, because that's his
name - that worked at Tesla for 3 weeks.  He told me, he knew
on the first day, that it wasn't going to work out, but he tried to
hang in there.

I have another friend, Fleahop - really, from Fleahop, AL, look
it up - that was an FAA Inspector for a similar length of time.  He's
a really good guy, a great stick and very knowledgeable mechanic,
so it's no surprise, I guess, that he was told that he wasn't going to
fit in.

However, let's say you've been working at a place for a while.

There is a horrible, insidious psychological effect called:

"Normalization of Deviance"

that you may be subject to.  Like becoming a Scientologist, after
a while you may think it is normal to clean toilets all day, and jump
on sofas on afternoon TV talk shows. 

Or, drink Kool-Aid with JimmyJ in Guyana.


Any pilot or mechanic or engineer should spend a few minutes,
perhaps read that article (or another on the subject) so they are
equippied to realize that Holy Shit, My Organization Is Dysfunctional.

Because sooner or later, you will end up working for one, or in a
group like that, and you need to be able to realize that just because
everyone else is crazy, doesn't mean you should be, too.

[img width=500 height=357]https://i2.wp.com/www.theifod.com/wp-co ... mmings.jpg[/img]

Again, considerable backbone - and insight - is required to do the
right thing, against the GroupThinkâ„¢.

The important things are always simple.  The simple things are always hard.
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