Best Pilots You Have Ever Seen

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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I was thinking about the short list of the best pilots I have ever
seen fly.  These are guys for whom the aircraft is an extension
of their body.  They fly it naturally and intuitively, generally after
a lifetime spent learning their craft.

My list in no particular order:

1) Bob Hoover.  It was a privilege to watch him fly that Aero Commander
at Osh.  The master.  So smooth.  I tried not to stare at his nose.

2) Bobby Younkin.  I was floored, the first time I saw him fly surface aerobatics
in a Beech 18, of all things.  He flew it that old pig so proficiently, so consistently,
so accurately, I wanted to go home and take up golf, and I really hate golf.

3) Steve Hinton.  You can feel the genius, when you watch him fly.  Any aircraft.
He can immediately fly any aircraft type, better than anyone else that's been flying
that aircraft type for a long time.  That's just incredible.  Again, the aircraft is an
extension of his body.  Higher praise, there is not.

4) Rob Holland.  I don't know of a harder-working pilot.  He is the best of our generation.
He makes the impossible look so easy, which is the signature of a Master.

What's your list?

Chuck Ellsworth

Arlo and Rotten Ronnie.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I have the uncomfortable feeling I am the best pilot they
ever saw, which is pretty sad when you think about it.

5) Skip Stewart.  Unbelievably precise, yet still ridiculous:

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Sorry, I'm with Chuck on this one - she doesn't fly as well as Arlo or Rotten Ronnie.


Jesus, I make myself laugh ... reminds me. 

I remember watching the Pride of Transport, Rotten Ronnie try to land a Cessna 140.

All over the runway.  Holy shit, that was funny.
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