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Does anyone actually use a kneeboard?
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 4:49 pm
by Slick Goodlin
A friend of mine is starting his PPL and recently asked me about what kneeboard he should get. It's been a while since I had really thought about it but my answer was none because I fail to see the point. Knowing what I know now and with all that's on the market I told him if I had to do it all again I'd skip the expense.
I mean, I know [i]other[/i] people must buy kneeboards, just look at all the ones you can get: ... rowse.html
I got suckered into getting one when I started my CPL (it seemed important) but being a cheap ass I just got the little aluminum rectangle with the leg strap. Even then it was mostly useless to me. I just keep my pencil in my shirt pocket and stash my map/notes/whatever either beside the seat or under my leg when not in use. If it's dark I'll turn the flood light to a low level so I can see this stuff. Am I doing it wrong? Does anyone have any use for those tri-fold, zippered, velcro, pocketed, light-up, pen-holstering beasts?
Or should he just buy a cheapie half-size clipboard at the dollar store?
Re: Does anyone actually use a kneeboard?
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 5:32 pm
by David MacRay
I do use mine. It has a big enough pocket to hold my e6-b thing. I have a calculator in another pocket. One VNC fits. The square protractor and scale ruler. I have a small note pad for writing the winds, active runway, altimeter etc from the ATIS. Then slide the pencil back into the loop.
I just find it keeps all that stuff in the same spot and I like a surface for writing on the note pad. I set my chart on it but never clip it.
I bought a strap that would make an iPad into a knee board but never switched over.
I would suggest he gets the least expensive one then upgrade if he uses it and wants something nicer.
It's like sunglasses I don't think there is a wrong answer. If you like cheap ones that's ok. If you can't live without the big dollar ones I can't see the problem with that either. You need to get the trinkets you like for yourself.
Re: Does anyone actually use a kneeboard?
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 5:33 pm
by Nark1
Helicopter flying, absolutely. Way too much shit to write down.
GA flying. Nope. Although, I'd caution to say, I do keep a writing device of some sort. Scribbled down taxi clearances when going in/out of bigger airports.
Airline flying, I have a tray table and a 15,000 page dispatch release.
Short story long, I wouldn't spend more than $5 from the dollar store.
Re: Does anyone actually use a kneeboard?
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 5:49 pm
by DeflectionShot
I use the cheapo aluminum one from ASA with leg strap (and handy pen holder sleeve). I think it helps to write down ATC instructions when you're training so you don't forget ATIS winds/taxiways/runways or departure routes you've been cleared for. Also depends on how complicated your airport/airspace is I guess. Clipboard is probably just as good though....the trifold knee thingy with built-in parachute and rescue raft and mini flare pistol is a waste of time and money.
Or if you really want to cheap out use a pad of Post-it Notes....stick it on the panel for reference. 8)
Re: Does anyone actually use a kneeboard?
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 8:13 pm
by Chris
I fly rental planes which means carrying everything I want with me. The kneeboard is a fairly universal solution to keeping my stuff in order.
Re: Does anyone actually use a kneeboard?
Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 4:05 am
by cgzro
I just use a 1/2 size clip board with a small strap I glued to the bottom. Its quite useful in open cockpit or single seat twitchy planes where there is no seat to put things on or a constant risk of things blowing overboard. But not necessary to buy anything expensive.