Rentals in BC/Alberta
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:48 pm
Although I'm sure it's 99% folly on my part, after doing some number-crunching I've decided that it makes sense to acquire a couple (or few) interesting aircraft and rent them out to interesting pilots. I don't want to compete with flying clubs who have good, solid trainers available at very decent prices. Rather, I want to offer pilots access to some alternative niche aircraft that they might not otherwise have access to - get checked out on a CarbonCub and bomb around in the mountains. Or fly a fast experimental cross-country machine like a Lancair or something. Or ??...
I'm looking for feedback (inclusive of suggestions that I'm embarking on a really bad idea...) and I've put together an online survey:
I'd really appreciate it if pilots (inclusive of aspiring and student pilots) could fill it out and provide some feedback to help shape this idea. I was just down in Florida checking out what I thought might be an interesting aircraft to take out the bush/the North - a diesel 172: ... 2-skyhawk/ But early feedback is suggesting that maybe I ought to be focusing on bringing something like a CubCrafters EX3 up here: Or down the road trying to get this brought over when available:
As such, I need your feedback. Thanks!