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Chuck Ellsworth

There was never any issues with any of my planes except once when one of T.C. 's inspectors grounded an airplane I had leased to a school in Victoria.

The inspector was intent on fucking the owner of the school and made a mistake regarding my leased airplane.

It had nothing to do with my legal issues with TCCA nor with their refusing to issue me a new FT-UOC.

What a lot of people here do not realize is just how corrupt TCCA is right to the top and they get away with it because they have the power to destroy anyone they want to.

On this site there are two of us who are not afraid of these vermin, me and the Colonel.

Just for fun let TCCA know about this conversation and ask them to take legal action against me for what I just posted.

That should clear up the whole issue.

Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

Never mind, I found Chuck's account of his run-ins with TC here:

http://forums.verticalmag.com/index.php ... entry39389

Summary: Chuck pisses off TC inspector. TC then goes through Chuck's logbooks with a fine tooth comb and finds an illegal prop. Situation escalates and Chuck never gets his FTU-OC, but has a phyrric victory at the end when TC is found guilty of denying him due process.
Chuck Ellsworth

God dam it it Crunch will you get it straight.

There was never an illegal prop on my airplane, period.

Cessna sent documentation to TCCA in Vancouver that the TC clown was wrong in grounding the airplane.

You are free to think what ever you wish and if you think TCCA is the greatest thing since sliced bread that is your privelage.

But I am sick and tired of people like you that miss represent what happened to me and post stuff that make it look like I was guilty of some crime and got what I deserved.

Quote:::  " Chuck pisses off TC inspector ".

The inspector was kicked out of TCCA by the DGCA that was forced to come to my house with legal council because I had documentation that proved the inspector was abusing the power of his office.

Thank Christ I no longer have anything to do with aviation in Canada and with people who try and defend illegal actions by TCCA.

I would love to see some of you TC defenders ruined the same way my business was.

Do you get it yet???
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

Chuck, you never mentioned that bit about Cessna sending the documentation in your post. Sorry I'm not a mind reader. Anyway, it's pretty clear that you pissed off the TC inspector, just like you attempted to piss off me a few posts back. Unlike that TC inspector I tend to be a bit more tolerant of people saying idiotic things, but most people aren't.
Chuck Ellsworth

So to you it is pretty clear that I pissed off the TC inspector huh? Well to me it is pretty clear you have a real problem with reality and are no more than a TCCA protector in spite of any facts to the contrary.

You are walking a real tight rope here Crunch so I would be real careful if I were you because you are pissing me off with your veiled suggestions making it look like I got what I deserved.

Do me a favor Crunch.

Find one, just one verifiable time during my career where I was accused of wrongdoing.

If you can post it here.

Otherwise quit while you are ahead.
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

I never said you did anything wrong. It's probably just not a good idea to piss people off all the time.
Chuck Ellsworth

Jesus Christ......

The thing about my airplane started because the inspector was trying to fuck Jack Kiaser over.....he decided to do both of us.

Now please quit digging the hole deeper because you are coming across as a moron.
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

Again, I'm not a mind reader. This is the first time you've mentioned Jack Kaiser. How the fuck are we meant to know what happened if you don't actually tell us? And calling me a moron isn't really helping your case...
Posts: 1349
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So anyone know where I can buy a PA31 Type Rating?
Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

Well I guess I could work for free for a few month.
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