How can we get more members here?

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David MacRay
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You have not fixed the quotes in this thread Rosco.


Michael McManus

Everyone needs a hobby, Dave.

For many years, I maintained a paper copy of the internet, in case the hard disk crashed.
David MacRay
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I used to have hobbies before I went on the Internet.
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all that free porn is overwhelming :twisted:
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
David MacRay
Posts: 817
Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:16 am

I was just over at an aviation forum with more members and I failed to get through the 9 pages of content added since my last disappointing visit there.

More is definitely better.

Looks like we need to add some sub forums here.
  • Crash porn (Maybe that needs two?)
  • one dedicated to discussing corona
  • Dave’s BBQ shack

Finally we need to post as many threads as possible in the flight training forum to direct foreign students to the best university to help them accelerate their career as Canadian commercial pilots.

Once the word gets out I’m sure we could be bloated with a nice big membership.

Otherwise, we might as well leave it to the pros. You can’t run a microbrewery making high quality products and compete with Carlsberg, Anheuser-Busch Inbev, and Molsoncoors. That would be like trying to teach people to fly and not even working for a University.
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You can’t run a microbrewery making high quality products and compete with Carlsberg, Anheuser-Busch Inbev, and Molsoncoors.
That's the sum of the sad state of affairs, people don't want or have the ability to think as individuals and take on the heard mentality. I always laughed my ass off when you lads once said canadian beer was the best and would even haul it away on holidays out of country. Jeezus every since WW2 and the implementation of american standard beers -- boring!!

I only drink "craft" beer.

That's to bottom line, do we add chaff to try and attract the latest generation of pilots and certainly if there was stuff to be learned and discussed, why not? but we all see how discussions tend to spiral and crash and burn due to egos and stupid posts. There lies the dilemma. Even next door the majority of posts are done by a select few. Lurkers far outnumber "active" members. Then there is that very small number that post for the sake of posting and just drop weird shit, speculation and useless topics. We need to make room for that as well but this is the area where most scraps get born.

I must say that some of the crazy stuff next door has a certain entertainment as long as you don't get sucked into the vortex.

I know I rambled on and likely to some just said shit but I guess we need to pass on that there are no stupid questions and possibly some could benefit from the experienced group. Unfortunately generation gaps to play a part. What I think is bogus could be a major issue to a new pilot. Usually this is associated with the rules people work with.
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
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It's a fine line between freak show and circus.

And most importantly American beer is amazing, there are so many craft breweries down there and most are offering great products. I'm fortunate to fly all over the USA from big cities to small shit holes and there is always a few local brewers offerings on tap. Canada is still a backwater over regulated nanny state in such manners. The best places for craft brewing is Alberta and BC both of which have really cut a lot of red tape and yes Ill give credit to Notley here in Alberta for getting the ball rolling.

Canadians have this superiority complex that is not rooted in any reality. It's rather bizarre, you talk to an American and ask them their opinion on Canadians or Canada and if they have one its usually "oh nice people, I went to (fill in blank) and had a good time" Ask a Canadian about Americans and you will quickly learn we are not the friendly neighbors to the north they think of us as. " Friggen Americans can you believe (fill in blank).

we ain't that friendly.

I think one thing we can do to attrach more members on here is keep doing what we are doing. Talk about airplanes and have good discussion of the topics. Ill keep making Youtube videos and sharing links and such on FB to get some eyeballs on here. One thing you all can do is share those to links or videos with others. Of course you won't be able to share on Avcanada, and that is ok it certainly doesn't have a monopoly on Canadian aviation. join FB aviation groups share the content or drop links to other members of those forums.

But most importantly as I stated above have good discussions and keep doing what you're doing.

5 out of 2 Pilots are Dyslexic.
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we need more analysis of increasing and decreasing tailwinds...LOL
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