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Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

Rookie is another one that seems to know me as well...  Hear his name is Courtney...  Not sure though... Dont really give a shit.

Chuck Ellsworth

I sure want this site to succeed because I think Scud has the right idea by not moderating what we write, leaving us relatively free to express our thoughts without fear of being turfed off the site.

So far it seems to be working quite well.

I see there one of the posters on Avcanada is betting this site will fail.

I don't think it will because we have a lot of real experienced people posting here and tjhey are willing to give advice based on their experience.

This crap about how difficult a night take off is typical ignorance of the subject.

Anyhow I think I am going to dig up that peice I wrote for Pprune on how to judge height when landing..if I can find it.

That will at least be some indication that we actually do want to improve flying.  :)
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am


The reason these "experts" think a night take off is hard is exactly as you say....

Chuck Ellsworth

Yes and when no one bothers to point out to them that what they think is a very difficult dangerous thing to do is nothing more than a basic part of night flying they get all bent out of shape.

How do you fly at night if you are afraid to take off in the dark?

Jesus I just can't believe how dumbed down flying has gotten in the past few decades.
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

Simple Cat...

You learn by wearing a "hood"

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]a basic part of night flying[/quote]

You have to remember, Chuck, that these people
can't land in more than a 5 knot crosswind. 

It's no surprise that no one has taught them the
fundamentals of IFR flight, either.  The FTU's drill
them for endless hours on the "5 Degree Zone of
P/O/D Inflexibility" for artistic hold entries, that
the TC idiot big bellies (like Rotten Ronnie at YSH,
co-author of the IPM) want.  And, they never teach
them the fundamentals that will keep them alive.

Flight training sucks, Chuck.  It's really dreadful.

All people want is the paper.  And, it's ok if they
crash and die.  Fucking insane.

Remember, you're a [b]BAD PERSON[/b] if you teach 0/0
takeoffs and landings, like you and I do.

TC loves Seneca, with their 5 knot crosswind limitation,
and their class 1 instructor / ATPLs that can't fly at
night on the dials.  Anyone remember that clusterfuck?
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

The last time I wore a hood for training or a ride was on my initial circa 1966 all my rides and PPC's since have been hood free. Looking out the window just fucks you up and the instructor can tell right away if you are doing it. It's the mind set that is the issue and has been as pointed out by several people here. People do try and run before they can even walk. I don't how many times I have asked an F/O in the last 3 years "why the fuck are you looking out the window", it's pitch black or the ceiling is minus a hundred feet. They still want to look and of course I keep on beating them about the head. Eventually they do get it and life magically becomes a lot easier.

I still think the solution is that all pilots learn to fly in a conventional gear aircraft with no radios and preferably no electrics of any kind and certainly [b]no[/b] GPS. Master the stick and rudder skills before moving on. 

Damn, am I that old -- lmfaoooooooo
Chuck Ellsworth

It is so much easier to fly by reference to instruments only than flying VFR looking outside.

And a real plus is you fly the airplane so much smoother and with so much less effort.

This nonsense that flying by reference to instruments only is difficult is a boogy man invented by the flight training industry .
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I still can't figure out if it's stupidity or maliciousness
which causes people to provide bad flight training.

Why is it somehow immoral, for example, to teach 0/0
takeoffs and landings?!  They really aren't hard to do
(or teach) and are of enormous benefit.
Chuck Ellsworth

Colonel, it is neither stupidity nor malicious.

It is ignorance of the subject.
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