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Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:11 pm
Location: Onoway, AB

If I could choose I would take a housing market correction though, it is just out of control here.

David MacRay
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Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:16 am

The problem with a housing price correction is it will likely come with increased interest rates. The banks always win.
Posts: 419
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Location: Onoway, AB

They do, but as it sits right now there is an entire generation that is pretty much being priced out of even owning a home. Especially for first time home buyers like myself. Yet another reason I want to move farther North....
David MacRay
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I need to hang out with more billionaires that would like to buy this nice Chipmunk and let me to fly it around. ... y-aircraft
David MacRay
Posts: 817
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This might be the one. Bird dog with 350TT. ... y-aircraft

Just need a few hundred thousand canuck bucks.

Of course I would settle for this one. ... y-aircraft
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Location: Onoway, AB

I'm still looking at little tail draggers to time build with and have seen a could older gen Kitfoxs and Avid Flyers pop up recently can someone explain why some are registered as Amateur built and some are registered as advanced ultralight? They are the same plane but one can build hours and the other can't?
Chuck Ellsworth
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I always hand started the J3 from behind the prop, holding on the door frame with my left hand and pulling the prop through with my right hand.

Worked for me for many years of flying them.

As an aside when I hand spank myself I change hands from time to time.
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Location: Over The Runway

I fantazize about having fewer motorcycles and airplanes. And ex-wives.

Did I mention I have three dogs now? Or more correctly, they have me?


I love a girl with big paws.
I need to hang out with more billionaires
I have found they like to have sharp pilots fly their aircraft.

If you can fly and fix, you are golden. Billy Gordon, for example. He's dead now, of course.

So. Get your ATP, AME and 1000 hours on a Pitts.
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TwinOtterFan wrote:
Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:13 pm
I'm still looking at little tail draggers to time build with and have seen a could older gen Kitfoxs and Avid Flyers pop up recently can someone explain why some are registered as Amateur built and some are registered as advanced ultralight? They are the same plane but one can build hours and the other can't?
Yup, same airframe, different regs. IF the airframe is light enough, it can be registered as an "ultralight aeroplane", and can be flown with an ultralight permit. (Or any "higher" licence). IF it meets the amateur-built requirements it can be registered as a "aeroplane" and you must have a Recreational Pilot Permit (or higher licence). If the aircraft was amateur built, and you would prefer the ultralight registration, and it meets the ultralight requirements, it can be registered as Ultralight.
Generally, if you built it and first registered it as an Ultralight, the necessary documentation and prebuild inspections aren't in place for re-registering as Amateur-built.

If it is an "aeroplane" all time flown may count towards any higher licence. If it is an "ultralight aeroplane" only certain portions of the experience required for the desired licence may be credited.

So, advantage of registering Ultralight - less oversight/paperwork of build, cheaper/less onerous pilot requirements. Used to be the best way for people with medical issues to get flying, but the Recreational Pilot Permit has really opened up the possibilities.

Disadvantage of Ultralight registration - can't fly at night, painful to get permission to fly in US (might be changing), some airports restrict or prohibit operations of ultralights,
The amount of training you should get, vs legally required is still about the same as a Recreationsl licence anyway. And, I think, most pertinent to you, only some of the flight time counts towards the experience requirements of higher licences.
Posts: 419
Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:11 pm
Location: Onoway, AB

Thank you for the answer, I can see the appeal of certifying it as an advanced ultralight but I want to time build for my CPL. It's a shame you cannot redo the registration on one.
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