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Chuck Ellsworth

I had to take one of those tests they think tells them what you really are.

I answered every question with answers that were really off the wall.

By the time the test was over they came to the conclusion I preferred sheep to my sisters.

The company that paid for the personality exams just had no idea what to make of it.

But they never fired me so I guess I did O.K. with my answers. :)

Slick Goodlin
Posts: 721
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:46 pm

[quote]•  Making regular checks on the aircraft's technical performance, position, weather conditions and air traffic during flight[/quote]
That sounds like a PC way to say "Don't fly with your head up your ass," and as such, is what any half decent pilot should be doing without being told.  Unfortunately the standards appear to be dropping for a number of reasons and these things need to be spelled out.  Such is this world we live in.
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