The guy in the right seat of the groundlooped 12A is an internet deity, ATP/CFI/DPE that retired from Delta and owns a DC-3 that he gives type ratings on. Instructs people in many other types including Beech 18.
After the accident he stated that locking the tailwheel was optional and irrelevant to this accident. Uh huh. Good luck selling that to the FAA.
If this hero, with all of his airline bullshit, can’t land a 12A and keep it straight I guess no on can?
Just reading a manual then jumping into the aircraft is a good way to hurt yourself and damage the aircraft.
Funny, that’s exactly what I did with the Beech 18 and I never even wrecked it. The guy that delivered it said I didn’t need a checkout, just a left brake and lock the tailwheel. And he was right. It’s not like the R-985 was unknown to me. I wasn’t exactly a stranger to taildraggers or piston twins, either.
I actually tried to find someone to give me dual but all the big talking blowhards scattered like cockroaches when the lights came on, when they encountered an actual airplane.
So I jumped it it and taught myself to fly it. Over the decades I taught myself to fly many weird types that no one would check me out in, but had plenty of advice for.
Like the Piaggio Royal Gull. Jumped in and taught myself to fly it. No FBO instructors or gold bars knew a damned thing about it.
I remember when I started to fly the C421. People refused to help when I asked, so I had to teach myself. What assholes.
I remember learning to fly inverted formation aerobatics. No one would help, had to teach myself. Found out later, so did the Snowbirds.
So when some internet blowhard admonishes me to get dual that simply isn’t available, maybe they should just fuck right off with their holier-than-though bullshit?
I get the feeling no one on the internet has even seen a single seat aircraft. Every RCAF pilots first flight in an F-86 was solo. Are they all careless and reckless? Where were you guys when the Vintage Wings guys in Ottawa were recently doing self-checkouts on their single-seat Sabre? Were all the airline pilots chaining themselves to the fence at Gatineau like a bunch of goddamned hippies at Litton?
I don't have the luxury in life of attending some stupid class somewhere and getting spoon fed everything I need to know, like an infant. You either learn to teach yourself, or you fail.
No one taught me to lane split on my motorcycle, or how to survive in really dangerous Bay Area traffic. Is there some stupid fucking airline pilot school I can go to, to learn that stuff too?
Jesus. If you guys only had a clue what I do every day for a living, it would blow your fucking minds. Minimum IQ of 140 to get in the door, 160+ helps. And you'd better have the work ethic of an Alaskan sled dog.
I used to think a Canadian billion dollars was a lot of money. A company that had a CAD$BILLION revenue pet year was a monster. No, it’s puny. Try US$1B per day. Every day of the fucking year. That’s a monster revenue stream. If there’s a problem, no pressure. None at all. And rest assured, you can't go to some stupid fucking class somewhere to solve those problems, where you're fed information like an infant.