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Not interested in angry, young intolerant people who are certain they can measure your IQ by how much you agree with them.

They don’t know what they don’t know, but their overwhelming arrogance makes up for it.

Dunning-Kreuger did some research into these people. What puzzles me, is if they have all the answers, why aren't they rich?

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Slick Goodlin
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Years ago some guy posted a video to YouTube ‘proving’ chemtrails were real. One of his references in his research (and the true smoking gun in his eyes) was an AvCanada thread that I guess he found while googling chemtrails or something.
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I don’t mind arrogant youngsters telling me how smart they are.

But if they’re so smart, why aren’t they in the $100 million club? Is that why they are so angry all the time?
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Colonel wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 1:32 pm I don’t mind arrogant youngsters telling me how smart they are.

But if they’re so smart, why aren’t they in the $100 million club? Is that why they are so angry all the time?
Zuckerberg was in that club on his way to the $1B club. I’d say he is more lucky than smart…
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He’s ruthless, man. A bright guy with no principles in the right hand place at the right time and he works like a dog.
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Colonel wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:30 pm He’s ruthless, man. A bright guy with no principles in the right hand place at the right time and he works like a dog.
I’ll give you that he’s ruthless and has a devil of a work ethic, but he started Facebook as a way to meet chicks. Turning that into mega-fuck off money is luck. Bezos and Musk, they started with a vision on something to build and built it.
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