This is what happens......

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Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

It sounds like it wasn't a charter. It was just someone flying his friends for free.

Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

Ugh the more I read about this crash it makes me sicker, a Private Pilot with too much money buys the fastest plane his money will afford and kills 7 people.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

a Private Pilot with too much money
Generally, they have the nicest airplanes at the airport.

I have spent decades flying with these sorts of guys,
sitting in the right seat, flying on my ATPL, them logging
dual in cloud.

It's not easy, trying to ride herd on these inevitably
type A, forceful and successful personalities, who
seem bound and determined to kill themselves.
They have no fear of inclement weather.

More than once I have been fired in the air.  But
that's the difference between me and a lot of dead
people.  I don't live in fear of anyone, which bugs
the living shit out of TC.

These guys lived in fear of Ron Joyce.  The were
GOOD PEOPLE and did what they were told to do:

Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

It's unclear if the copilot had any experience on the MU-2. The news reports just say that he was there to do the radios and navigation. His linkedin page says he got his license in 2014 and has only been a full-time flight instructor since June 2015. I'm not sure if he was necessarily the best person to bring along on this flight.
Rookie Pilot
Posts: 404
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:44 am

CpnCrunch wrote: It's unclear if the copilot had any experience on the MU-2. The news reports just say that he was there to do the radios and navigation. His linkedin page says he got his license in 2014 and has only been a full-time flight instructor since June 2015. I'm not sure if he was necessarily the best person to bring along on this flight.

Getting more interesting by the minute.

Clearly no one can say no -- even those with ratings that should know better.
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

This is what happens when people fuck up..

Death is permanent folks.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Death is permanent
Oddly, this is not terribly important to many
people.  They have much higher priorities,
such as their cherished paperwork, and how
popular they are with their high school peers.

To these people, it's not such a big deal to
crash and die and destroy your airplane and
kill yourself and your passengers.  It's a
"learning experience"  :o

Personally, I view the above as a fairly
disturbing form of mental illness, but I am
given to understand that my views are
quite anachronistic.  Not fashionable, you
understand.  And fashion is overwhelmingly
important in our brave new world.
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

The stupidity of accidents like this always leave me going WTF but they happen and not always in an aeroplane. The worst is the successful professional who goes out and buys a piece of equipment that far surpasses experience and ability. Looking like that could be the case here as well. I suspect too much relying on autopilot and not knowing that they are useless in conditions like those that day. Auto pilots have a nasty way of doing that along with eroding stick and rudder skills which is even more exacerbated if you never achieved a level of competency in the first place and relied on automatics from square one.

I knew a guy who owned a retractable piper single, no instrument rating and could not fly instruments but [i]routinely would climb and descend through cloud on the autopilot. He thought nothing of it. It's a sign of the times. New pilots go through training but never have a need to actually hand bomb an aeroplane and actually manually fly for hours on end. It has produced a generation of pilots who have no scan and no discipline to hand bomb an aeroplane accurately within +/- 50 ft and on track. I see it on a regular basis.

There are accidents and then there is just plain stupid. This sounds harsh but likely lucky for the pilot's estate that there were no survivors. If this kind of carnage had happened in an automobile lawyers would be having a hay day.

Rookie Pilot
Posts: 404
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:44 am

Seems to me this case will be all about blaming the pilot's inexperience and recklessness and no culpability for the instruction.

If the right seat flight instructors experience is accurate what was he doing there? What qualified him to right seat that flight?

In the Peterborough accident who signed that guy off for being safe for night flying?

In the ottawa Cardinal accident who signed that guy off for instrument flight?

So many questions but people get mad when the establishment is asked. Easier to blame the rich idiot pilot alone.

I think responsibility is shared, and as a flight instructor with certain people you know are a hazard, you don't say "NO -- I'm not training you further -- keep your money" -- well I question that. 

I'm ready for the flaming now as clearly I can't say things like this, they are so offensive.
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