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Chuck Ellsworth

My personal opinion is it is at the digression of the pilot based on the airplane and the height above ground and having an airport near you in case you can not restart.....

......many, many moons ago when men were men and sheep trembled in fear when they came near I was on a Captain check out on the DC3 with two of us being upgraded to left seat by the chief pilot, my ride was finished and the other pilot was getting his ride.

Just after take off the chief pilot pulled the mixture on the right engine to idle cut off and the fucking mixture lever broke off...there was a moment of utter disbelief by all three of us, the airplane was light and we did a single engine circuit and landed  and waited for the tug to pull us back to the hangar.

So as I said it depends on a lot of factors...had we been really heavy we may not have made it.

To put it in a more simple and understandable context deliberately shutting down an engine in flight is like riding a strange woman bareback, anyone can do it but is the reward worth the risk?

Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

Chuck Ellsworth wrote: My personal opinion is it is at the digression of the pilot based on the airplane and the height above ground and having an airport near you in case you can not restart.....

You said before that anyone who trained that way has a low IQ, as it creates unnecessary risk. In fact, in the same thread Strega says the same thing, so I guess he is just trolling after all. ... =3&t=71588
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

Mr Crunch,, ya I totally got it handed to me...

How come you never answered my question?

How many times have you had an engine quit in a me airplane?

We are all waiting for your answer (although I believe rookie eluded to )
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

How about we take a lesson from Bob Hoover, as Strega claims to have taken his words to heart.

I dont "claim" anything.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

Can't we all just get along, for the old people? And the kids.
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

Bob Hoover has actually watched me fly.. I took his pointers to heart

Its not a "claim" it is fact.
Gravel Digger
Posts: 78
Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:08 am

"Yo dog, I know you like arguing on avcanada, so I am going to start a forum so you can argue about absolute nonsense here too"

Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

SSU wrote:
ScudRunner wrote: The shit disturber in me kind of wants to make this a sticky.

We can make it a group project!
Every week one of us heads over there and goes trolling for fish.
Toss out a topic and we can take turns heading over to throw fuel on the fire and come back here and eat our popcorn.
How about we take a lesson from Bob Hoover, as Strega claims to have taken his words to heart.
When he returned to the air field Bob Hoover walked over to the man who had nearly caused his death and, according to the California Fullerton News-Tribune, said:
There isn’t a man alive who hasn’t made a mistake. But I’m positive you’ll never make this mistake again. That’s why I want to make sure that you’re the only one to refuel my plane tomorrow. I won’t let anyone else on the field touch it.
Now if Bob can forgive someone making a mistake that nearly killed him, I'm sure the rest of us can act in a somewhat more gentlemanly manner. Hell, I believe even the Colonel has forgiven someone who almost killed him in an formation mishap, and doesn't constantly at every opportunity come online and lambaste the guy.

Cmon now can't a brother have a little fun?
Troglodyte wrote: "Yo dog, I know you like arguing on avcanada, so I am going to start a forum so you can argue about absolute nonsense here too"
I started this Forum not because I liked arguing on avcanada, very seldom did I participate in that sort of thing. I created this site to facilitate an open exchange of ideas free from moderators that would censor posts because they didn't agree with them or had a grudge against that person.

Also my site is just better.
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