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Slick Goodlin
Posts: 721
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:46 pm

[quote author=Chuck Ellsworth link=topic=9039.msg24740#msg24740 date=1537284163]
Sorry to have annoyed you with my  shit thread Slick.
It's not that you started the thread.  It's that the thread, like many others here, quickly devolved into a circle jerk of "Anyone who isn't specifically me is an idiot."

Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

[quote author=Chuck Ellsworth link=topic=9039.msg24728#msg24728 date=1537235400]
[li]On the other forum a poster made this comment.

[/list][url=http://www.avcanada.ca/forums2/viewtopi ... 5#p1052415]
Re: US turning people away at the boarder for investments in pot.[/url]

C.W.E. wrote: If nothing else he is better than Obama.Hahahaha.

Alright old man.


Is there something wrong with becoming an old man?
I find his comment to be difficult to understand, does he think that surviving over half a century flying for a living and enjoying my retirement is something that is a negative thing?[/quote]

This is the new way of posting when you have no arguments. You hang a label on people.
By using the word "old" it implies irrelevant. Someone to be ignored.

Calling someone Alt-Right implies they are a bigot, a racist and a Nazi.
In our wonderful new world you are automatically guilty and never innocent once you've been labelled.

Chuck Ellsworth

[quote][font=Verdana]This is the new way of posting when you have no arguments. You hang a label on people.By using the word "old" it implies irrelevant. Someone to be ignored.[/font][/quote][font=Verdana]

Exactly and that is what is so frustrating about it.

The more likely reason they make such statements often come from their insecurity about their own flying skills and or lack of experience.

As I have already stated I am comfortable with him coming over to this forum and discussing the subject of flying with him.

What are the odds he reads this forum?[/font]

[quote]WARNING: All ye who enter here, know that your feelings may be hurt![/quote]

Chuck Ellsworth

[quote]WARNING: All ye who enter here, know that your feelings may be hurt![/quote]

Digits, obviously you have not understood what I have said.

It does not hurt my feelings being old, but I do find it frustrating when someone uses old age as a put down.

Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

I have a question about getting old.

When does one stop saying I am a pilot and start saying I was a pilot?

Chuck Ellsworth

[quote]When does one stop saying I am a pilot and start saying I was a pilot?[/quote]

Good question.

I have not flown for about two years and let my medical lapse for a while, I renewed my medical a while ago but my license booklet has expired and I have not got around to getting a new one yet.

So for me I was a pilot and may be one again if I get around to it.  :)

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]When does one stop saying I am a pilot[/quote]

If you can jump into an airplane [i]today[/i] and fly the balls off it - you're a pilot!

Doesn't matter if you flew yesterday or not.  Like getting laid, it's nice but not required.
Chuck Ellsworth

Of course you are correct Colonel both you and I know that.

However here in the land of the internet I am being P.C.  :)

By the way Colonel, in your opinion does being old make you less a pilot?
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