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Re: Quality of flight training in USA.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:59 pm
by Colonel
They all liked my money
And there's your conflict of interest.

I don't want your fucking money.

PS  "The Great Santini" was fucking hilarious.
I swear, that guy that wrote that book must
have followed me around when I was growing
up.  But I was never worth a shit on the
basketball court.

Re: Quality of flight training in USA.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:04 pm
by David MacRay
Good thing... I already spent it.  :o

Funny, I have amazing credit and keep considering finishing my CPL now. Which would result in increased medicals and just cost more money. I would like to be able to move light singles around for hire and reward though.

Ah the joys of being insane.

Re: Quality of flight training in USA.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:16 pm
by Colonel
the joys of being insane
that's a good start, if you want to
be in aviation.

Re: Quality of flight training in USA.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:17 pm
by Colonel
the Colonel would be willing to give you a recommend to write without you having to go see him
Why would I need to see someone to
give them a recommend for a written?!

Lots of people do this:
Commercial Pilot Ground School

Save driving time and cost by doing ground school where and when you want it!

A recommendation letter for the exam will also be included
and they don't come within a thousand
miles of Steinback, MB.  Last I heard,
Harv was still a DPE so TC can't be too
pissed at him for running online ground

PS  People think I'm an asshole, but if
you email me your address, I will send
you a buttload of CPL study books and
sample tests I have lying around.  Won't
cost you a nickel.

Re: Quality of flight training in USA.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:35 pm
by David MacRay
Stop, it you're just encouraging me.

I can't find the thing but I believe somewhere a PTR has everything filled out including ground school from last century. Obviously several practical things like steep turns need some recent practice.

That written would be my biggest hurdle and we know how massively out of proportion I blew the easiest 50 question multiple choice exam available.

I started reading the Sharper Edge commercial ground school book a year and a half ago. Seems to present the information better than most. Just have to get on it. I would be fine doing practice exams to earn a recommend.

I always had trouble with the pretend cross country exercise. Seems odd I have no problem flying places. Just never knew how to demonstrate it.

Re: Quality of flight training in USA.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:29 pm
by Chuck Ellsworth
The best way to pass the written exams is to get a sample of T.C. 'S exam.

Black out the wrong answers.

Then keep reading the questions with only the answer they want.

Then just go write the exam.

You will get almost all of the answers they want because you have never seen the wrong answers.

Works like a dream.

Re: Quality of flight training in USA.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:52 am
by David MacRay
That's a pretty good call Chuck. I want to see if I can get into my books and feel a bit like I know which end of the hammer to use first, but I think your idea is solid.

Re: Quality of flight training in USA.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:50 am
by Colonel
I want to see if I can get into my books
Please do it!  It won't cost you any money,
and as I said, I have lots of books and sample
tests for the CPL.

BTW, I have been thinking about what SSU
said about TC getting their panties in a bunch
about remote/online training, because AFAIK
there is no CAR that says that ground school
instructors and their students need to bump
uglies or even rub noses.

What regulation are myself and Harv's Air
and the Rockcliffe Flying Club contravening
by providing remote/online ground school

I think the luddites at TC are emoting that
they don't like new technology, and that we
shouldn't use it, because it makes them

WTF?!  Are we going to toss GPS in favour
of NDB's, too?

Re: Quality of flight training in USA.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:53 pm
by David MacRay
I think the concern is that there could be a student that did not bother spending much time, possibly none learning or studying, because they were not supervised during ground school.

I recall SSU wrote he has had people actually drop in, asking for a recommend to go take a chance on written tests. That is someone standing in front of him trying to dodge the work/learning part. Online or over the phone they don't even have to look you in the eye to lie about it.

In the traditional form they had students sign the attendance sheet at the start of each session. That way there was that comforting paper transport loves so much. The instructor signs the PTR indicating the student attended X hours of ground school training. Transport is satisfied that they did not just drop in and cheat, or get lucky picking enough "C" and long answers on the multiple choice test. If I show up and do bad on the test the school can demonstrate, "He signed the attendance sheet for all the sessions of ground school. He must just be a dummy."

I showed them, I attended ground school and still did not learn enough to be able to test. For my PPL I eventually studied the AIM enough to do ok at air law. (I just tattled on myself, stating what you knew, I can or at least could study. I just have not got on it.) I Could calculate enough for a pass in the Nav section and of course squeaked by in Met. After the test I was congratulated by a Transport guy joking, "You're the first guy to have a rough time, barely passing Met. You should continue to study it."

One problem being if a student is going to cheat, physically attending a ground school might not prevent it.

I have never seen it but in a way Harv's online could be set up to monitor that "someone" maybe not the actual candidate, but someone has spent time scrolling or somehow manipulating the pages to make the materiel show up on the device screen. Might as well read it while they are doing that.