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Re: Drifting off Center of the Runway

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:35 am
by Chuck Ellsworth
Then that school has a problem in its management.

One can not argue that it is acceptable for any school to be authorised to teach a subject and then be unable to do it.

If you hired a company to paint the interior of your house and when they were finished the walls were all full of brush marks and some areas were missed you would not pay them and would probably contact the BBB.

Why accept inferior work from a school?

Who is in charge of where he is being taught?

That is who to start his complaint with.

Re: Drifting off Center of the Runway

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 3:47 am
by vanNostrum
My friend did his PP course when this institution was a flying club
but he has  had a hard time maintaining currency 

Presently, to '' make better pilots'', the FTU runs an incredible long check list on the 172s probably 75% of it totally unnecessary
Oh and of course W&B before every flight :'(

Re: Drifting off Center of the Runway

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:30 am
by David MacRay
I have no problem doing weight and balance every flight. In fact I used to do two, one with my take off configuration and a second with zero fuel.

It beats, "I'll just put my brother in the front seat and his wife in the back." Then finding out you could become nose heavy because the Warrior II acts different than a 172 when you use the fuel. It was some anomaly, when you get over seven hundred pounds of people in there you had to put one of the big boys in the back.

Go ahead and ask, "But Dave shouldn't you keep 30 minutes fuel in the tank for reserve?" It was just to show me where my center of gravity could go. Obviously I was not planing to run out of fuel.

If I did though, the plane was in a good configuration for landing instead of being hard to flare or something.

If you know it's the same as last time re-use the sheet.

Re: Drifting off Center of the Runway

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:04 pm
by vanNostrum
To do WB when all the factors affecting it are the same as the previous 10  flights
where WB was correct ,as this FTU requires, IMHO is nonsense

Re: Drifting off Center of the Runway

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:16 pm
by Chuck Ellsworth
One day there was a TC inspector doing a check on my school and one of my flight instructors was doing a training flight with a student in the Cheetah.

Anyhow just as the student and the instructor were getting in the airplane the inspector said to me he didn't do a W&b sheet are you going to let him go flying?

I said sure I am, but if he was so stupid he needed to do a W&B with just two of them in the Cheetah I would fire him.

It took a call to TC head office to get that one cleared up.

By the way he didn't have to come back and do the paper work.

TC has some real idiots working for them.

Re: Drifting off Center of the Runway

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:44 pm
by David MacRay
vanNostrum wrote: To do WB when all the factors affecting it are the same as the previous 10  flights
where WB was correct ,as this FTU requires, IMHO is nonsense
A bit but there are people that need to be baby sat. I would like to say, "They don't rent planes." I suspect they do. Also, paper for legalities..

It's like someone physically breaking a switch or something, but not telling anyone. I would hope a pilot would just confess so it gets fixed, some don't. I would hope a pilot would know the difference between doing a W&B because things are close and doing one solo with half tanks, because the FTU requires it according to their rental agreement.

Do you guys dip the tanks? I know I can't get in and fly without a walk around. Late in the day the poor plane has been checked out by at least one other pilot when it has gone up seven times that day. I still need to do it for my own comfort and to keep in practice, in case I ever do need to do a walk around on a plane that might have a birds nest in it because it has been sitting for a week.

Again, re-use the same W&B form if nothing is different. Or just copy it to the next one if they want fresh ink. I must be wrong but I thought you were supposed to have one on board.

I just do a W&B every time. I am used to flying a different plane every time and with multiple different instructors, none of them are the same weight. Also, I have not seen the 150 pound instructor in years. Sometimes we have too much fuel to be in the utility catagory. We can still fly but no stalls or spins.

Sorry, I will try to stop now.

Re: Drifting off Center of the Runway

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:11 pm
by Chuck Ellsworth
I wonder if the pilot having problems with drift is doing better now?

Re: Drifting off Center of the Runway

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:19 am
by Eric Janson
Here's what happens when you drift off the centreline in a large jet....

Not sure about the windshear part - looks more like a gradual drift to the right in poor visibility and rain.

Re: Drifting off Center of the Runway

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 2:22 am
by Scudrunner
Wanted to highlight this video above. Yikes!

and cue applause hahaha :lol:


Re: Drifting off Center of the Runway

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:18 am
by Eric Janson
Something just occurred to me:-

In this day of cheap video cameras - why not mount a few to video the landings to help identify what is happening. One top mounted camera to show control inputs and one looking outside.

Can be fantastic tools if used correctly.

Even someone beside the runway filming would help.