Mid Air collision over Montreal

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Posts: 338
Joined: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:04 pm

CTV is reporting 1 dead 1 injured
Years ago I read some stats on MAC over a 10 yrs period in USA
75% occurred  withing 3 miles of an airport,about half of the planes were destroyed,
statically there was higher percentage of survival if the collision occurred
during the approach/landing phase  Worst survival numbers came from MAC during cruising
In general the fatality rate is 50%
This accident seems to confirm it

Posts: 41
Joined: Wed May 27, 2015 3:08 pm

Sad to see GOI was one of the aircraft involved - did my first solo in her 9 years ago at CNC4. Looking at the picture on my wall right now....
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Everyone thinks pilots are all the idiots and ATC is perfect at all times, but a simple question: 

Why did tower turn the departing plane -- a no time student -- eastbound underneath the AC on downwind?  I've never ever had that happen to me. Clearance has always been maintain runway heading until clear, then turn behind downwind traffic. 

I've had ATC repeatedly try to tell me to end a deviation and get back on course which would result in turning directly into a convective cell, they could see on their primary radar. Had to effectively tell them to bugger off I'll turn when I'm ready.

You're an idiot to blindly trust ATC without doing your own situational awareness.
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