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John Swallow
Posts: 319
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:58 pm

Deflection Shot: 

Good one!  (;>0)  But as Monica said:  "Close, but no cigar!"


Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Chuck Ellsworth

[quote]I wouldn't characterize Bill Clinton as racist but the rest is pretty accurate.[/quote]

Fortunately the USA has had enough of self serving politicians and have voted in someone who looks like he can't be bought.

My gut feeling is Donald Trump will be a good choice.
Chuck Ellsworth

With regard to Andy's opinion of TC he is only one of the many TC has tried to destroy over the decades because they would not submit to bully tactics.

My company and my employees jobs were destroyed because I refused to submit to a TC bully.

The higher I went up their chain of command the more corrupt they were until I finally reached the Director General Civil Aviation who was a true moral degenerate.

It took me three and a half years in the legal system to win my case but the effort was worth it.

I was awarded $250,000 for my losses but to this date I have yet to get a penny of it paid to me.

So I thing Andy is being a bit to kind in his opinion of them.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

One starts to see a pattern.

Didn't Buffalo Joe get it up the ass from TC?

Joe's no angel, but IIRC TC refused to issue
an AOC if he was involved.  I don't think
TC are legally allowed to discriminate in
that manner, but they know that no one will
take them to Federal Court about it, and
even if they do, TC won't pay any attention
to Federal Court anyways, because they consider
themselves superior to Federal Court.

TC told airshow organizers that they wouldn't
issue an SFOC if my family name was on it,
presumably because we don't fly as well as
a TC Inspector.

And that's illegal.  And TC doesn't give a fuck
about the law.

Like a fat southern sheriff, who's going to hold
them accountable when they break the law?

TC are technically and ethically challenged gangsters.
Chuck Ellsworth

At least here in this forum we can state our experiences with T.C. in the hope the message gets through to those who think T.C. is a lawful regulator.

To those who think we were treated lawfully by T.C. how come T.C. does not come after us for liable?
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

What I don't understand is that with the unprecedented
demand for pilots today - I can't remember it being this
good in the last 40 years - why anyone would try to get
hired by TC.  Boggles the mind.
John Swallow
Posts: 319
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:58 pm

I found a case at
http://www.tatc.gc.ca/decision/decision ... &dc_id=668
Was that to which you were referring?


As to your remarks:

“…Why don't you call up your buddies Arlo Speer, Wayne Foy or Laird Gillespie or Rotten Ronnie at CYSH and ask them?...”

“I'm tired of all your dirty tricks, and eating your shit, and your intimidation tactics.  I really fucking hate fat fucking bullies and cowards.  Not one of you fat fucks ever had the balls to walk up to me in person and take a swing.”

“Go kill yourselves!”

I have no idea of whom you speak. I don’t know Speer, Foy, Gillespie, or “Rotten Ronnie” (whoever the hell that is).  I tell you that I worked for Transport Canada for five years out of a forty year career in aviation, and you explode with a barrage of offensive language and profanity.  You keep stating that you were “done over” by TC but are short on specifics.  All you do is splutter and swear.  Exactly what started the brouhaha?  What did you do?  What did they do?  Is there a paper trail? 
If you reacted with them as you do here, it’s no bloody wonder…  “Go kill yourselves!”  Really?

Now, if you’re still with me, have a look at the following.  The first is a video of a chap that was charged by TC for dangerous and reckless helicopter flying.  The second is of an initial finding of guilty and of the subsequent overturn of that finding.  It’s long but worth reading…

http://www.tatc.gc.ca/decision/decision ... dc_id=1489

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Anyone who voluntarily chooses to work at an organization
full of as many technically incompetent and morally bankrupt
people as TC, must be in a very dark place.

All you TC people can go fuck yourselves.  I've really had it
with your illegal intimidation.  I don't like bullies, and you
only like cowards that you can push around, so you sure as
fuck won't like me.

Breaks my fucking heart when an ignorant bully doesn't like
me.  Not one of you cowardly fat fucks has ever had the balls
to walk up to my face and take a swing at me.

Ask anyone at Tower C or 4900 Yonge St about "The Campaign".

What scum.

[quote] you are short on specifics[/quote]

Are you fucking kidding me?  Welcome to the internet.
Where have you been for the last 20 years?
Chuck Ellsworth

I second Andy's opinion and the way I protect myself is every time I see a TC inspector approaching me I know I am in far more danger than if I were being approached by a common street criminal.

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