If You're Still Hauling Ass, Halfway Down the Runway ...

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[quote author=Chuck Ellsworth link=topic=4717.msg12194#msg12194 date=1477867292]
When I would ask them why they did not touch down just inside the start of the runway and use the thousand feet they just flew over they said the rules said they had to touch down at the place the slope lights were located.

For sure the IQ requirements to be a commercial pilot are not very high.

Yeah, imagine that, pilots flying the plane like the owner of the plane asks them to do. Imagine that, pilots sticking to the SOPs. Weren't you complaining once that one of your instructors refused to fly the plane like you wanted him to? So which one is it: should pilots follow their own ideas/thoughts/instincts/training, or fly it as the plane owner requires it (assuming it is in accordance with the POH etc)?

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I think you're arguing that four-bars are so stupid
these days that they're incapable of making good

Evidence would appear to agree with you.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=4717.msg12191#msg12191 date=1477847994]
Maybe it's time to go around?


I know, I know, bad example from a [b]Bad Person[/b].  No
one lands at such a silly place.


Wow, that approach looks pretty sporty. I would probably need to practice up quite a bit before attempting anywhere remotely like that.
Rookie Pilot
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As none of you read my first post clearly,  and I'm not into ridiculous arguments without logical purpose, there's little point to my commenting.

Also if you've read other stuff I've written, I am rather hard on what I perceive as poor flying. Don't pigeon me in the apologist category.

The information provided does not say in any regard they touched down 4600 feet down the runway. It noted heavy rain and the ground speed AFTER touchdown of 132 knots, 4600 feet down the runway.

I assume wth heavy rain, as reported,  maybe they couldn't see squat and perhaps completely lost site of the runway while on it.

I've never experienced hydroplaning but I hope I dont. Hear it's not too nice. Just a theory.

IF that was the instance it MAY have been safer doing what they did. Who knows maybe they flew into a nasty cell right while touching down on the runway. Who knows. Anyone heard of waiting for NTSB? Sheesh.

But I see this site remains completely useless as to rational discussion, so I will say goodbye and enjoy the site, and the 5 or 6 people who actually post.

Next time also post the entire Metar.  All relevant.


Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am


So here are the facts.. they lost 3 knots of speed from 250' until more than 4000' down the rwy...  how can you explain that?

Its like the jazz crew that ran off the end of a very long rwy in a -8 a few years back...  wet runway had nothing do to with it.. 
Chuck Ellsworth

[quote]Yeah, imagine that, pilots flying the plane like the owner of the plane asks them to do. Imagine that, pilots sticking to the SOPs.[/quote]

We are talking about simple basic light twin engine airplanes being operated in day VFR weather onto a runway with no obstructions on the approach period.

Any owner stupid enough to force their pilots to overfly a thousand feet of paved runway before touching down is just as stupid as the pilots who do it.

But hey if you people think following stupid SOP's are the way to fly have at it.

But you wouldn't be flying for me.
Posts: 70
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:42 am

IF they touched down and

IF they attempted to brake and

IF they deployed the thrust reversers


Boeing tells you NOT to reject the landing, as the thrust reversers may not stow, and the aircraft may not be controllable.

Too early, and not enough information for me to judge though.
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

[quote][font=Verdana]Too early, and not enough information for me to judge though."[/font][/quote]

The info is they ran off the end of the runway... the info is they hardly lost any speed between 250' and then 4000' down the runway.. they should be judged...
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

I read the metar and it was in limits for landing a 737. Even if they landed right when the wind was gusting but actually(no wiz wheel at hand) the tailwind component was at max 8 knots. The were obvious hand flying and not auto landing, maybe for concerns of wind sheer but that is totally speculation. As the colonel pointed out the situation could possibly happen to anyone. The bottom line, and it always usually boils down to this, the human factor and why in hell did they not push the GA button.

This is a great forum but it can be "raw" sometimes. If your skin is a little thin then yes maybe you should pull the plug but that gets you nothing. Some times the lessons are hard here and there are some grumpy old men -- haha but after you see the same mistakes over and over again and after 50+ years of industry sometimes a spade just becomes a fucking shovel. Stick around and see what other people have experienced if you are what you say you are by your handle. If you are a high timed pilot looking just to troll then you will be eventually found out and will be a target.

Like it was pointed out, if reverse thrust was selected upon touch down, then going around isn't an option.
You're committed to running off the runway.
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