Is all of TC on crack?

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Chuck Ellsworth

Tundra tire.....I was being sarcastic.  :)

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote] Seems odd that someone would complain about a private operator/pilot adding oil though, maybe someone has an axe to grind with said pilot?[/quote]

Likely.  It is greatly disappointing that TC did not
simply toss such a bizarre tattletale report immediately
in the trash can.  What CAR contravention could possibly

For example, let's say one of my fans reported to TC
that I was seen on the ramp wearing 80's tighty whitey
underwear instead of more stylish boxers. 

Could I reasonably expect a followup inquiry from
Enforcement with regard to the style of my undergarments
that I habitually wear?  And to what purpose?  Could there
be some potential CAR contravention lurking from my choice
of underwear?

Fucking bizarre.  I simply do not understand the invasive
interest TC has in every aspect of every flight in Canada.
More than just a little creepy.

[quote] a Gipsy (with an "I," Colonel) Major[/quote]

Mea culpa.  I have been mis-spelling that for decades.
I will try to improve.  No promises, though.  Once a
reprobate, always a reprobate.
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

Part of where this is headed can likely be just human nature. I was on the receiving end of a double registered letter many years ago stating I went flying with contaminated wings (long before Dryden). I was shocked, not because I went flying with a trace of snow on my wings but because the TC Inspector watched me depart and did fuck all to question me. I had seen the group of TC guys. They had observed me warm up and load, then taxi out and depart. I had checked the wings and the snow was non adhering and was in fact gone by the time I was ready to launch. All I can say that they were ghouls and when I didn't make a smokin hole a violation was in order. I replied to the letter and no action was taken. I confronted them in the bar on their next visit and none would admit to writing me up. I thanked them and mentioned that maybe if TC inspectors would grow a set aviation might be a little safer. Same so of thing also happened to me when a TC inspector sitting in his car watched me hand spank a J3 - same bullshit and no action taken.
Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

In case you think this is a Canadian problem...

In the country where I live (The Netherlands) "Noise" is a big issue and Airports are an easy target. The Greens and others have grouped this in with other environmental issues such as emissions.

So steps have been taken to reduce noise.

At Amsterdam Schiphol Airport we used to get direct to the outer marker and we could fly an idle thrust descent from FL 350 all the way down to 500' before adding power. That's as efficient as it gets.

Now they have a CDA "Continuous Descent Approach" from 7000. To reduce noise they have routed arrivals from the [b]East[/b], [b]West[/b] of the Airport over the North Sea, then the approach starts from West of the airport. It's at least an extra 50nm of flying which actually [b]increases[/b] emissions. It's not environmentally friendly at all - but don't tell the Greens.

Impossible to fly this approach in idle thrust all the way down as well - I've tried! There are too many speed and altitude constraints for the flight management system to cope with and I was never quite able to get the descent profile right flying it manually - I was getting close before I stopped flying out of this airport.

The Netherlands has a phone number you can call to complain about aircraft noise. 80% of complaints come from a tiny group of people. Investigation has revealed that they watch the departures screen on their TV then they call in 1 minute after the scheduled departure.

Their favourite aircraft to target was an AN225 freighter flying out of Rotterdam.

Every departure generated a huge volume of phone calls - including one where the aircraft did not depart at all! The TV showed it had departed but the aircraft was delayed on the ground.

The Government listens to those that scream loudest.

[quote]They may even have been colored glossy eight by yens with circles and arrows...

Thanks for wasting 20 minutes of my day  :) ... t#Incident

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I don't want a pickle.

I just want to ride my motor-sickle.
Posts: 57
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:57 am

Wait! I thought adding oil (not replacing but replenishing) was considered servicing, same as adding fuel?

What the heck is the problem with the bitcher?
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