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Chuck Ellsworth

Actually Big Ears CID has been accusing me of being in contempt of the regulations for years.

I have written this thread because there is one thing that really gets him upset and that is someone trying to expose who is, and I know he reads this forum.

In the past he has threatened to sue anyone who posts hie real name.

I agree he is not worth getting all upset about and believe me I am not in the least upset.

It is that simple.  :) :)

Chuck Ellsworth

Yes it is part of the fun of posting on these forums.

My question about would it be dangerous to fly with me even though I let my license lapse was directed at a discussion that the Colonel had started about " Paper " does not a safe pilot make.

So in my case I get far more in depth medicals from my doctor every year than the medical required by TC.

I am in almost perfect health except I now for the first time in my life have to take a prescription drug....Duo-Trav eye drops for one eye.

Yes it would be risky if I were to take a passenger flying and something happened and I wrecked the airplane because of liability insurance wise.

But the lack of a piece of paper would not adversely affect my ability to fly the thing.

Of course it is not really a high priority discussion, except the Colonel is correct...paper work wiping your ass is really important.  :)
Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

Well Well Well , I awoke this morning from my meat induced coma to find an Alert from Scudrunners to my email.
(I highly recommend if you're in the Calgary area to try out Charcut Restaurant  mmmmmm good)

Anyway the email said this thread had been flag by a new member CID, before I could even say welcome to the forum he had already deleted the account.

So first off, I want CID to return to the forum and not just attempt to make a drive by.

In his report of this thread he stated this thread was against the rules, so for all your reading pleasure here is a link to the rules of the forum.

Oh wait Scudrunners doesn't actually have a set of rules, we do have a suggested etiquette in our FAQ section Link -  Scudrunners FAQ

So in the interest of fairness:

- Chuck could you post links to the threads on Avcanada to corroborate your side of these allegations you made against CID.

- It is unfortunate that because of Avcanada moderation you are unable to refute or disagree with such postings.  I agree that if your allegations are founded and you are unable to defend yourself on that site it is only fair you have a forum or outlet to state your position. 

- CID - Sign back up to the forum and participate if you want to be taken seriously by others, If you have made no such statements against Chucks character than you should be able to demonstrate that.

And finally everyone calm down and lets talk about Davids green with orange polka dots balls

David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

I might have made a mistake. Then again... While not really what I was after, I suppose it's nice to generate some interest in my balls.
Chuck Ellsworth


This morning I found a message on my phone from someone who believes I am unjustly naming him in a public forum and his attitude is disturbing to say the least.

His position is he is not CID and I must remove these posts.

I will delete some of my comments for now and think this through some more.

Chuck Ellsworth
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

Hey Chuck a license has nothing to do with safety. I'll fly with you anytime and we can use my license to fill the legal smeegal bullshit.  ;D  - I do have one question. The title of the thread. Can it be argued that an asshole has some reason/function in life. Maybe you are being too generous -- lmfaooooooooooo -- to do a drive by and vanish does tend to reinforce your position.

[img]https://everydayinapril.files.wordpress ... 795201.jpg[/img]

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Think I found what started this all

Chuck Ellsworth

I just had a very good conversation with the guy that I thought was CID, and I am now satisfied I wrongly used his name as being CID.

I am sorry I did not really check into this deeper before I posted his name, the use of made up names can sometimes cause problems for others when we do not have proof of what we say, in this case I am now convinced I made a big mistake by naming someone without verifiable proof I had the correct information.

Now back to CID.

Whoever you are my opinion of you remains the are a coward and a disgrace to the human race period.
Big Ears Teddy
Posts: 45
Joined: Fri Feb 05, 2016 2:51 pm

Deleted my posts, because this thread has gone skunky like stale beer.
Posts: 79
Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:07 am

He started a thread on avcanada to announce his departure....he will not be missed, in fact that is the very base of his issues....extremes narcissism.  I'm sure not one single person gives a s&@t, I know I don't...good riddance.
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