Clint Eastwood's new movie: Sully in the Hudson

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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Well, if you haven't heard, none other than Clint Eastwood
has made a movie - starring Academy Award winner Tom
Hanks - about Sully landing the Airbus in the Hudson river.

And that got me thinking.

Sully is a fucking hero in the USA - despite the fact that he
[b]never completed the appropriate checklist[/b].  That alone
would cause Arlo at TC to charge him with careless and reckless
and end his flying days.

Remember the Gimli glider?  AC797?  Capt Pearson got his
ass kicked.  Demoted, left the airline in disgrace.  But when
other pilots tried what he did in the sim, they crashed.

Remember Don Cameron, and the fire in Cincinatti?  He was
crucified by a bunch of armchair quarterbacks.  I knew Don, and
he was a good pilot.  A lot better than the current crop at AC.

Remember Rob Furlong?  JTF2 sniper?  2.5km?  The Americans
gave him a medal, and he got the boot from the Canadian military.

Remember Dave Kendall in the Gulf War?  Strafed a boat
full of nasties, tossed a missle at them.  Got his ass kicked.

There must be something about the British nature of
Canadians, that just can't stand someone that does
something well.  Remember the Boeing that crashed
at LHR?  The left seater was crucified, left the airline.
Turned out it was ice in the fuel - a Boeing whoopsie.

They roasted his ass for raising the flaps a few degrees
on final after he lost power.  A bunch of PhD's calculated
afterwards that his split-second action - which was NOT
in the QRH - saved all kinds of lives by extending the
glide over obstacles.

That's the kind of intuitive stick & rudder skill that
keeps people alive.  And just as in Canada, he was
hated for it, and brutally punished.

What is it about you people that causes you to hate
people that perform well?  Is it some kind of sick,
twisted envy?

Even the term "progressive" tax rate, to describe the
incredibly punitive income tax scheme in Canada,
gives us a glimmer into the Canadian psyche of hatred
towards performers.

I really wish Canadians would be more honest about
their egalitarian socialism, which causes them to be
intolerant of people who do well.

I really don't think that all these people above - who
would have been treated as heroes in the USA - are
the villains that you people make them out to be.

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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Kevin Vickers.  A name that ought to be familiar
to every Canadian schoolchild, but is probably
remembered by less than 100 Canadians, incredibly
less than two years after having returned fire to
and gunned down an armed murderer in Parliament
Hill.  At the advanced age of 58!

I was in Ottawa at the time, and I was aghast at
what the slimy, scumbucket civil servants were
saying about him - how he was nothing special,
he was just doing his job.  They had to cut him
down.  They couldn't acknowledge great performance
under pressure.

I'd like to see some Canadian millenials, with their
soccer participation trophies, win a gunfight without
their helicopter mommies who show up for their job

If Kevin Vickers was an American, you can bet
your Canadian ass they'd make a movie about him.

Clint Eastwood was right - a pussy generation.

[url= ... eneration/] ... eneration/[/url]

A pussy generation that shamelessly rolls aircraft
up into a ball, then has the gall to talk about their
"learning experience" at their next job interview.

[quote]The Pussy Generation to which he is referring should not be limited to Generation-Y, it's a collective nomenclature for people born within the last 30 years. The people who attack and harass the 1 percent for the redistribution of wealth.

But what the average plebeian can't comprehend is that these people have worked hard for their money. Nowhere in the great literature of humanity does it dictate the redistribution of wealth. Isn't that socialism? Communism? And don't we hate the damn reds?

There is this intrinsic sense of entitlement. We deserve what we WANT – not even what we need – simply because we've graced this world with our presence. And in turn it will bestow its riches. Unfortunately, the world just doesn't work that way. Entitlement does not yield success.

None of us really want to work. We want that quick ticket to success and we've been babied into believing the real world owes us. We have selective hearing.

We only take in what we want. We've become delusional idiots. Our generation is wrought with the jealousy of the have-mores. We're the Occupy Movement: the complainers, the whiners, the jealous and the weak.

Instead of actually building our work ethic and dedication, we decide to take the easy way out. To get to the apex of success, you need to sacrifice. And as many people who desire that success, most will never take the risk.

The disease of the Pussy Generation has crept its way into every facet of our existence. In work, it's less work, more play. They enslave themselves to the axiom: work hard, play harder. This generation does not know hard work. It's the quick fix approach: Some Adderall to cram the night before the exam.

An old boss once said that lazy people end up doing double the work they would have if they weren't lazy. And that holds true.

We live for the now, but demand the fruits of others' labor, the work they do to reap rewards in the future. I'm all for enjoying life, traveling, meeting people and truly living. That's what life is about. But we need balance. If we want success, we have to earn it.

Not take it, not wish for it, receive it, but EARN IT. A fact that has been lost by a generation who stomps its feet and cries if success isn't immediate. Truthfully I am embarrassed to be grouped with this generation of pussies.

Call me old-fashioned, but back in the day if you worked your ass off, kept your mouth shut and made something out of nothing, you got what you deserved. We're a generation that consumes the present and neglects the future. We eat our cake and expect it to be there tomorrow.

We enjoy what we were paid yesterday and today, and we're f*cked when we're in our 60s. If we haven't reached our dreams by the time we're 30, we dive into a deep depression.

We look without, not within. We see others with success, but we fail to see the beauty of the journey we're on, the sacrifices we're making that shape the man we become. All we see is what we don't have, in looking at those who do have.[/quote]
Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

[quote author=Colonel Sanders]

Clint Eastwood was right - a pussy generation.

[url= ... eneration/] ... eneration/[/url]

A pussy generation that shamelessly rolls aircraft
up into a ball, then has the gall to talk about their
"learning experience" at their next job interview.

[quote]The Pussy Generation to which he is referring should not be limited to Generation-Y, it's a collective nomenclature for people born within the last 30 years. The people who attack and harass the 1 percent for the redistribution of wealth.

But what the average plebeian can't comprehend is that these people have worked hard for their money. Nowhere in the great literature of humanity does it dictate the redistribution of wealth. Isn't that socialism? Communism? And don't we hate the damn reds?

There is this intrinsic sense of entitlement. We deserve what we WANT – not even what we need – simply because we've graced this world with our presence. And in turn it will bestow its riches. Unfortunately, the world just doesn't work that way. Entitlement does not yield success.

None of us really want to work. We want that quick ticket to success and we've been babied into believing the real world owes us. We have selective hearing.

We only take in what we want. We've become delusional idiots. Our generation is wrought with the jealousy of the have-mores. We're the Occupy Movement: the complainers, the whiners, the jealous and the weak.

Instead of actually building our work ethic and dedication, we decide to take the easy way out. To get to the apex of success, you need to sacrifice. And as many people who desire that success, most will never take the risk.

The disease of the Pussy Generation has crept its way into every facet of our existence. In work, it's less work, more play. They enslave themselves to the axiom: work hard, play harder. This generation does not know hard work. It's the quick fix approach: Some Adderall to cram the night before the exam.

An old boss once said that lazy people end up doing double the work they would have if they weren't lazy. And that holds true.

We live for the now, but demand the fruits of others' labor, the work they do to reap rewards in the future. I'm all for enjoying life, traveling, meeting people and truly living. That's what life is about. But we need balance. If we want success, we have to earn it.

Not take it, not wish for it, receive it, but EARN IT. A fact that has been lost by a generation who stomps its feet and cries if success isn't immediate. Truthfully I am embarrassed to be grouped with this generation of pussies.

Call me old-fashioned, but back in the day if you worked your ass off, kept your mouth shut and made something out of nothing, you got what you deserved. We're a generation that consumes the present and neglects the future. We eat our cake and expect it to be there tomorrow.

We enjoy what we were paid yesterday and today, and we're f*cked when we're in our 60s. If we haven't reached our dreams by the time we're 30, we dive into a deep depression.

We look without, not within. We see others with success, but we fail to see the beauty of the journey we're on, the sacrifices we're making that shape the man we become. All we see is what we don't have, in looking at those who do have.[/quote]

They're called SJW's (Social Justice Warriors).

I had no idea what they were until a few months ago - I thought they were a group helping old ladies across the street or helping carry groceries. Wrong!

Posts: 134
Joined: Sun May 24, 2015 9:56 pm

[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=3911.msg10404#msg10404 date=1470974646]
Remember Rob Furlong?  JTF2 sniper?  2.5km? 

3 PPCLI.  Were he with the Dwyer Hill Ski Team you wouldn't know his name. 

[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=3911.msg10405#msg10405 date=1470983042]
Kevin Vickers.  A name that ought to be familiar
to every Canadian schoolchild, but is probably
remembered by less than 100 Canadians, incredibly
less than two years after having returned fire to
and gunned down an armed murderer in Parliament
Hill.  At the advanced age of 58!

Good thing he had a gun, unlike the trained infantry soldiers who weren't trusted with fucking bullets.  Or the general populace for that matter who we like to keep unarmed and easy to kill.  Imagine how much damage Mr. Zahaf Bibeau could have done if he were a proper terrorist that knew what he was doing rather than a random nutbar with an ancient Winchester carbine.

[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=3911.msg10405#msg10405 date=1470983042]
I'd like to see some Canadian millenials, with their
soccer participation trophies, win a gunfight without
their helicopter mommies who show up for their job

There are a good number of Canadian millenials that are fully capable of and have won gunfights on Canada's behalf in recent years.  They typically start by applying here: [url=][/url]
[font=Verdana][size=78%]  [/size][/font]
30% of Canadian Forces members are under the age of 30 and I would imagine that they may resent being characterized as needing their mommies to win their gunfights.

I don't agree with the "pussy generation" sentiment.  About 2500 years ago Socrates said “The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”  The elder generation has thought that the younger generation has been fucked since the dawn of time, and they've been wrong since the dawn of time.  When the current young generation goes gray they'll feel the same way about their juniors and they'll be wrong too.  The kids are alright.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]I don't understand the above rant[/quote]

Wow - I tried to show that for decades, if an American
does something good under pressure, he's a hero.

If a Canadian does [i]the exact same thing[/i], he's torn
to shreds - and I'm fascinated as to why the Canadian
culture demands this.

[quote]I get people hate Canada[/quote]

You've got that backwards.  It's the Canadians who
are doing the hating, and I'm trying to understand

I was horrified at the attitude in Ottawa by the
scummy civil servants towards Kevin Vickers.  Again,
it's very illuminating to look at where it's coming
from.  And, it ain't pretty.
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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Robert Piche.  Hated by Canadian pilots everywhere -
do a quick search on AvCan - for his deadstick landing
of an Airbus at the Azores.  If he was an American,
they would have made a movie about him.

The Airbus was improperly modified - bad maintenance -
and he is held solely responsible.  And Canadian pilots
love to gossip about his past, and how that makes him a
BAD PERSON which negates his skilled deadstick landing.

If you can't see the pattern by now, it is because it
is inconvenient for you to do so.

I might add that both he and Sully were judged by the
armchair quarterbacks to have use checklists improperly.
Airbus amended their checklists afterwards, but that's
not important to the Canadian Haters.

But Sully is a hero because he's American, and Piche is
a goat because he's a Canadian and he makes you
feel bad.

Got that.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

Kevin Vickers is a great man because he shot the terrorist, who was trying to harm people that turned on him for it.
It was a selfless act of service.
Not because he "won a gunfight." he took out a person who was committing an unprovoked attack on public servants.

The reason no one makes a movie about it is, those who would like to, have no budget and therefore can not.

I am surprised to hear there was a negative reaction to the Gimli Glider. I have only heard positive things. Maybe I tune out negativity about such things since it's obviously nonsense.

Sounds like when a person plays a song or a guitar solo really well and someone else says. "That sucked, they missed some notes."
Oh really? Which ones? Please show us how it should have been played.
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