Touch and goes.

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Slick Goodlin
Posts: 721
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:46 pm

Shiny wrote: Wording is important. Replace "can't" with "shouldn't". If only because when you tell someone they can't do something, they'll be damned to prove you wrong. Especially in this frigging profession.
Right.  I swear I'm more careful in real life than I am on the internet.  And here I am going on about slowing down and being careful and deliberate...

Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

I'm not sure what the big deal about doing touch and go's with a twin/retractable gear aircraft.

As a trainee I've done circuits in:-


As Instructor I've taught touch and go's on the 737-300.

The fact that that you don't normally do this with these aircraft makes it fun imho. I like a challenge!

Plus it's a chance to learn how to fly a new type without embarrassing yourself with a load of passengers in the back  ;) ;)

Don't see the safety argument - never had any issues. There was a comprehensive briefing before we started so everybody was on the same page.

As Instructor it was a tiring day as there was a lot to watch out for and you were basically doing everything except the flying.

Nothing like a day of circuit training and then arriving at home base to find 70 knots of wind at 2000' and G55 at the surface!

Sadly circuits for large jets are now done only in Simulators. All the fun is going from this business imho.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

head slightly down for maybe 0.25-0.5 of a second
With 10,000 feet of runway, you can afford
an extra 0.5 of a second and take your time  ;D

Remember, hands NEVER a blur in the
cockpit.  Watch Bob Hoover fly sometime.
Posts: 98
Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:35 pm

Once over at AVCAN , I got flamed for daring to say this but IMHO the only reason Flying schools don't let students do T & G 's is MONEY  period .
It cuts down on the hobbs time
Way back when I was a student , I went flying one day to practice my landings . Being young and dumb , I did not turn on the radio ( NORDO Airport) and for the next hour c/out T&G's in front of the CFI who I was to learn later was frantically trying to radio me to cease doing them.
When I walked into the School he pulled me aside , berated me and informed me that I was to never ever to do solo T&G's again . I was confused by this and asked what the issue was.
He said that is was work overload for a student to do them ( I was flying a C152) . I stated that obviously I showed proficiency having just done them  for an hour with no issue but he would not budge.
The CFI also said that my instructor should have told me that I could not do them solo , which he had never done.

Chuck Ellsworth

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 How much depends on how short that runway is

Help me out here.

What is considered a short runway.

If you just took off from said runway from a full stop why would it be to short for touch and go training?
Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

I did touch and goes in a 727, only thing said was don't touch the reverse on landing.
Chuck Ellsworth

Patrick Baudry  ( ... ropostale/  ) and I used to fly touch and goes in the A320 sim at the Airbus Factory to see who could do the shortest circuit.

It was great fun and no different than flying any other airplane.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I won't say that touch & goes in the Hotrod L29
are the most fun you can have with your pants
on, but it's pretty close.

I don't know what it is about aviation that brings
out all sorts of silly nonsense.  People try to simplify
life into some sentences that you can write down
on paper, glue the pages together, and make a holy
bible for people to worship.

What is it about people, that they [b]need[/b] a bible
to worship?  Is it really that hard to think?

Life is complicated.  A simple set of rules just
isn't going to work very well, in all possible

Why is this such blasphemy for people?  Why
can't they just use the piece of safety equipment
that's located between their ears?

I suppose I should console myself that child
rearing and early education are similarly full
of bullshit nonsense and fashion and posers.

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