Canadian FTU issues.

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Chuck Ellsworth

In another thread Rookie Pilot brought up the FTU issue and training on different airplanes concerning a recent MU2 accident.

I am going to try and help him out in his opinion of Canadian FTU's.

I posted this.

    [quote]Never mind the Rice Rocket, just try and find a FTU that has an instructor who can give dual on a simple Piper Cub.

We even have a Class one instructor that is now working for TC as an inspector who will not do check outs in a Fleet Canuck unless he can sit in the left hand seat.....

The whole FTU situation can not be better explained than the above comments.

Having owned a Canadian FTU and having dealt with the mindset in the system I am of the opinion that the training department of TC is run by people who could never make it in aviation and having made it to a position of power in a government job they do anything to protect their empire.

The hiring of BPF confirms my personal opinion and system will just chug along as it has for decades.

I am really happy that I do not have to work in that system and even happier I don't have to deal with a lot of the incompetents in it.

Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

Well its going to be a tough road ahead for any FTU, I was told the number of "Licence Events" last year was 1200 vs 4500 annually only a few years ago and is in steady decline.

Meaning that no one wants to be a pilot anymore......

Chuck Ellsworth

How can you blame anyone with an IQ over 40 for not wanting to work in an industry that treats yopu like a slave and pays starvation wages?

Truck driving is a far better career.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

I kind of think less people can afford to finish flight training than before.  :'(
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

It can be difficult to find a skilled and knowledgeable
pilot, especially on a slightly unusual type - most pilots
these days only fly a tiny handful of types, which makes
me sad.

The subset of these talented pilots that are [b]also[/b] capable
of teaching well may be tiny or even non-existent *

The subset of the above pilots who are both skilled
and knowledgeable [i]and[/i] capable teachers whom are
[b]also[/b] willing to work for less than minimum wage at
an FTU is generally the null set.  You know, unicorns. 
In Canada, I can count these individuals on the fingers
of one hand.


* I have mentioned my father before - [url= stick[/url].
But despite being dual-qualified as both a military
and civilian instructor, not a good teacher.  This is
more common than not.  It is not easy to be a good
teacher.  It takes a lot of hard work and effort.
Rookie Pilot
Posts: 404
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:44 am

To make my position crystal clear, here is my #1 specific pet peeve: 

[url= ... a&start=50] ... a&start=50[/url]

The FTU industry continues the insane practice of IFR training without any actual IMC experience. When I've raised this In the past all I get is...crickets....easier to call someone "idiot"  than defend these practices.

So instructors -- here it is again. Defend this policy.

Silence means a conviction in my court of law. 

Edit -- I remember one answer saying in effect "that's not our job to expose to actual training conditions. As a future FO with some operator, the new pilot will get trained from his captain".

Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

Thanks for starting the thread Chuck. I'm still not clear on what this has to do with this MU2 crash (american registered at that) except maybe a button being pushed because of the circumstances. The head of the nail was hit. The experience level, pay and such have degraded the over all quality of the industry.

Attitudes have changed in the pilot group as well. They do drink the koolaid dished out by the schools. One thread on avcanada (yes my comment got erased, strangely enough it was very similar to the colonel's) It was referring "where were you when you passed the 1000 hour mark" Step back into history and it was a not even a mile stone. Most were still flying a 180 at a 1000 hours and hoping to get on a beaver or a Noorduyn if you were sharp and within the next 3 years. Now you see all these management companies, paying shit, hiring very low time pilots because of this who will be gone as soon as the bond is done and the cycle starts again. This is the big down fall of the aviation biz today. Bonds are not helping. They set up short term (2 year) cycles and companies manage by holding a gun to one's head rather than trying to make it a place which attracts people who will stay because it's a good place to be. Don't get me wrong both sides have created this environment but it's totally fuck'd along with the expectations of newbies entering the industry. I think the absurdity of the FTU can be measured by the size of the flight bag students lug around.

[quote author=Rookie Pilot link=topic=2586.msg7661#msg7661 date=1459423098]

The FTU industry continues the insane practice of IFR training without any actual IMC experience. When I've raised this In the past all I get is...crickets....easier to call someone "idiot"  than defend these practices.

So instructors -- here it is again. Defend this policy.
Just because you are an instructor does not mean you defend every training policy. It's not only up to the FTU to solve this. If it is legally allowed, is it so weird to expect this to happen ? That being said, lots of instructors who do IFR training with limited "real time" IMC experience are aware that they need to be careful while doing this.

I called you an idiot because you bring up an MU2 accident in a US registered airplane as an argument that Canadian FIs should not train people on a mooney without time on type. Two things that are completely unrelated.
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