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Chuck Ellsworth

Lets look at this in another way.

An airline Captain is in a situation where the runway available is way to short to get airborne from a standing start but there is a taxiway entry that allows him to accelerate to a high enough speed to accelerate to lift off speed just before the end of the runway.

It can be done but what would you say about his decision making skills?

Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

Well it does seem to be a standard technique. In TC's instructor guide it says you should teach takeoffs from a confined area: ... 12668e.pdf

However I agree that it isn't necessarily good airmanship to actually need to use the technique. It's probably along the same lines as things like canyon turns -- good to be able to know how to do it, but if you ever actually need to do it you've probably made a bad decision.
Chuck Ellsworth

Do you have to know and follow that mind boggling word salad produced by TC to do sea plane ratings now in Canada?

Here is an interesting question.

One of the most dangerous situations when flying sea planes is landing on glassy water.

How many sea plane ratings are approved without the student ever experiencing glassy water?

Chuck Ellsworth

Oh, I just thought of another question.

Do you have to be trained in getting out of your amphibious float plane you just sunk landing on the water with the wheels down to fly for TC in the Vancouver area, maybe you could check with B.P.F and find out now that he works for them.
Slick Goodlin
Posts: 721
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:46 pm

I've concluded for myself that redlaser is a troll.  He had me going at first, especially when he bombed the place with a half dozen threads at once which IMO is poor form for a good troll.  Thing is, he pushes people's buttons perfectly, any hint of a location he gives is different from any other, he talks about his experience on DH twins but also comes off as a low time entitled wannabe, and on and on.  Constant contradictions and the only common theme is pissing people off.  It entertains the hell out of me.

He's not the troll Avcanada needs, but he's the troll they deserve.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

When I read redlaser, I think 748 HO has been drinking again.
Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

Chuck Ellsworth wrote: Lets look at this in another way.

An airline Captain is in a situation where the runway available is way to short to get airborne from a standing start but there is a taxiway entry that allows him to accelerate to a high enough speed to accelerate to lift off speed just before the end of the runway.

It can be done but what would you say about his decision making skills?
What decision making skills?

This is an example of Criminal Negligence imho.
Posts: 79
Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:07 am

NickyNick is another poster that seems to drop the net and pull in a fair catch.
Air Mail
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 2:59 am

Colonel Sanders wrote: When I read redlaser, I think 748 HO has been drinking again.
lol I kinda miss those posts, but red is no 748HO.

As for take offs or in general, it's amazing the ideas some guys get in their head to get the job done quicker or what they think up as better and what not.  It usually ends up as a shortcut to the grave.  Do things the way the should be done and live a long life.  And very wise words Chuck.
Chuck Ellsworth wrote:

Operating airplanes off airports is risky enough using normal airplane operating proceedures without adding to the risk factor by using an unorthodox procedure.

Maybe that is part of the reason I never had an accident?
Chuck Ellsworth

Here is Redlaser's expertise on float plane flying.
The other problem is that the check pilot may not want to fly with you since you are a low time pilot and the risk are too high especially flying a Cessna 180 aircraft which handles like a race car, not an easy plane to fly on floats, I now fly a 206 on floats but have quite a bit of hours flying 180's and 185's, and surprisenly the 206 is much easier to fly, mainly because of bigger floats, I've flown quite a few times as check pilot but usually ask that the person I'm checking has at least a 100 hours on wheels.
Need I say more?
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