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Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

Chuck Ellsworth wrote: Is Bob Hoover grounded?

Not at the moment as far as I'm aware.

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Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

Strega wrote:Go back to the other forum and read my "split s to recover thread"    it has been discussed in great detail. perhaps it is your reading comprehension that needs some work.
Yes, I read both those avcanada threads thoroughly before posting my comment. My post was really a follow-up to those threads with more information based on real-life experiences of flight instructors who have had the same Vmc rollover experience, as well as my flight sim tests.
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Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

The professional way to do it -- is NOT to single someone else out. It's for (Strega) to say,  "here's a mistake I made, and why you shouldn't do this". That's professional.

Read the other forum, I did... The big difference is there was no student that was paying me at the time....
Chuck Ellsworth

Rookie Pilot this forum allows us to post our opinions without fear of our posts being culled by biased moderators as long as we are able to show that our opinions have merit.

In your opinion discussing Big Pistons Forever is beating a dead horse, however there is the other side of the issue.

Some of us do not think his ideas on flight training are beyond criticizing, and point out the reasons we do not think he is the best thing since sliced bread.

I have been quite candid about my thoughts on his flying abilities and have explained why.

He is now working for TCCA and I for one would not ever under any circumstances deal with him as a TC inspector, including a ramp check.
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

Strega wrote:
The professional way to do it -- is NOT to single someone else out. It's for (Strega) to say,  "here's a mistake I made, and why you shouldn't do this". That's professional.

Read the other forum, I did... The big difference is there was no student that was paying me at the time....

I had a look. You say you tried to recover from a botched steep turn using a split S and nearly killed yourself. That's a slightly different situation from BPF's.

So, what about this Vmc rollover you experienced? Do you think that was a bad idea?

I've been in one situation where the flight instructor did a bunch of completely illegal flying with me in the right seat (described elsewhere), and I only recently discovered how dangerous our situation was. I was a bit too much of a novice at the time to realise at the time (even though I had my PPL), but if something like that had happened today I would certainly have told the instructor to change the plan.
Rookie Pilot
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Chuck Ellsworth wrote: Rookie Pilot this forum allows us to post our opinions without fear of our posts being culled by biased moderators as long as we are able to show that our opinions have merit.

In your opinion discussing Big Pistons Forever is beating a dead horse, however there is the other side of the issue.

Some of us do not think his ideas on flight training are beyond criticizing, and point out the reasons we do not think he is the best thing since sliced bread.

I have been quite candid about my thoughts on his flying abilities and have explained why.

He is now working for TCCA and I for one would not ever under any circumstances deal with him as a TC inspector, including a ramp check.

Chuck, as I said you can do what you like. I'm not the forum police.

Just think it's beat to death. You have like, a million years experience all over the world. I'd rather hear more of that, but that's just me.  Share more of what you know.
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

So, what about this Vmc rollover you experienced? Do you think that was a bad idea?

Are you retarded?  Where did I say I did a VMC "rollover"?    Maybe you should learn to read first.
Posts: 384
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 1:43 am

Mr Crunch...

Maybe you need pictures to understand what Vmc roll is...  What "little pistons" did is 100% grade AAA buffoonery

Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

Strega wrote:
Are you retarded?  Where did I say I did a VMC "rollover"?    Maybe you should learn to read first.

You said "Yes I have had a Vmc rollover demonstrated to me". I assumed you meant you were sitting in the right seat when the PIC did a Vmc rollover to inverted. If that's not what you meant, perhaps you need to develop a better command of the English language rather than calling people "retarded" for making reasonable inferences based on your sloppy writing.
Posts: 149
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:46 pm

HPC wrote:
Cpn -- it is common during ME training for some instructors to demonstrate the rolling tenancies of ME a/c at airspeeds below Vyse by either showing them the phenomenon or by simulating it by limiting the amount of rudder allowed. I'm not sure what Strega said initially -- long thread heh.

Yes, I'm aware of that. We were talking about Vmc roll-overs to inverted, not the normal non-aerobatic Vmc demos that are done during ME training. Strega said he had a "rollover" demonstrated.
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