Dealing with the regulator

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Chuck Ellsworth

Barney, Canada is a disgrace to the word democracy.

In a true democracy these government tyrants would be fired with no pension.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

TC stopped me from flying in Canada they improved flying safety in all the other countries I earned my living flying in

Canada is a disgrace to the word democracy
Canada really isn't a democracy.  There is a large country
to the south, that has this saying:
of the people, by the people, for the people
and that sure as hell isn't the case in Canada.  We never
had a revolution in Canada, and it shows.  The Canadian
government does not serve the Canadian people - the
Canadian people serve the government.

We actually have two governments:  the elected government,
and the unelected government.  Both are pretty scary.

The elected government (I'm talking at the federal level)
does not represent the citizens.  When you elect your MP,
he does not vote according to the wishes of the people
whom he represents - he votes according to party lines,
or he is tossed from caucus.

It gets worse.  The Canadian citizens do not vote for
their Prime Minister - he is privately elected by the party
that forms a "past the post" majority.  And we have no
"checks and balances" - we have only one branch of
government - the House of Commons - so the Prime
Minister in Canada is essentially an unelected dictator.

It gets a lot worse.  At least the elected government
in Canada occasionally (every 5 years) has to face the
citizens, even if they have very little to choose from.

In Canada, there is the unelected government, and
they are the really scary one.  They answer to no one.

Nobody liked Stephen Harper - they thought he was a
tyrant - but even he could not influence the unelected
government - the enormous, porcine federal bureaucracy -
to do anything.  This is terrifying.

The bureaucrats answer to no one.  Scary as shit.  That
is NOT a democracy.  Remember, Canada never had a

Now look at the USA.  When the FAA went bananas and
pulled Bob Hoover's medical, F. Lee Bailey, Congress and
the Senate all leaned on the FAA to produce details about
this strange "cognitive dissonance" medical diagnosis of Bob
Hoover, that the FAA made up.

But Hallelujah!  It was a miracle!  The FAA, under pressure
from the ELECTED government to produce evidence that
didn't exist, declared that Bob Hoover was magically and
suddenly cured of his "cognitive dissonance" condition -
despite the fact that there was no re-examination - and
he could have his medical back! 

It was a miracle!  Praise the Lord!

What utter bullshit.  But see the difference?  In the USA,
the bureaucrats answer to the elected government.  This
is NOT the case in Canada, where the bureaucrats answer
to no one.

If that doesn't scare the shit out of you, what does?
Chuck Ellsworth

Exactly Colonel.

And in our lifetime there will be no change.
Therefore when I see a TC inspector approaching me I know I am in more danger than if I am being approached by a common street criminal.

[/color][color=black]A common street criminal can be put in jail and charged with a crime and if convicted put back in jail.

This dictatorship with no accountability of course is not limited to Canada, but eventually the masses rise up in most other countries, our government brain washes the young ones in school and as each generation evolves the government power just increases.

Walter Sobchak
Posts: 40
Joined: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:41 am

I for one don't think there's a conspiracy, or evil forces at work. I don't expect my opinion to be popular.

These guys are by and large a bunch of idiots just like you and me and the rest of the populace trying to make it home in time for dinner with our kids.

If you get into trouble, suck it up. Try to "learn" from your mistake whether you think you're right or not. Swallow hard on your ego. You cannot win if you choose to fight. That might not be right, but it is what it is.

...or join Chuck's revolution :)
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

You cannot win if you choose to fight
A very Canadian point of view, which you are
welcome to hold.

I might respectfully disagree.  I learned a long
time ago not to take it up the @ss from whatever
bully wandered along.

A TC Inspector wants me to suck his little dick,
I'll smile and bite it off.  I understand this attitude
makes me a BAD PERSON.  I'm cool with that.
Chuck Ellsworth

Walter, I am going to try and be civil in this discussion because Skud has given us a forum where we are allowed to self moderate.

I find  your comment about joining my revolution to be insulting and a smear of my character and my reputation in aviation.

I have no idea of your background or your knowledge of airplanes so I have a question for you.

If you had invested a lot of money in starting a new flight school and one of the airplanes you had bought for the school was a 1976 Cessna A150M and the TC inspector assigned to your file told you could not use that airplane for training towards the PPL because it was not approved for spins.

What would you do?

Just suck it up and learn from your mistake of having bought the wrong airplane for the intended use?

Before you answer Walter I want you to understand that I spent my career working within the rules and I also worked for the regulator not only here in Canada but also in Europe, as well as having been in management for several airlines flying transport category aircraft.

In other words I spent my career abiding by and enforcing the rules.

I feel you owe me an apology.
Walter Sobchak
Posts: 40
Joined: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:41 am

Chuck. I meant that little jab as a joke and meant no disrespect.

I in fact have a great deal of respect for your opinions and vast experience. I disagree with you on this issue, but well understand why you feel the way you do. I hope you can forgive my sense of humour.
Chuck Ellsworth


We all have the right to disagree with others opinions that I accept.

However on my issues with T.C. it was not a matter of opinions, it was a matter of the regulator being in violation not only of their own rules but in violation of Canada's Federal Law.

So here is some more clarification of what exactly transpired.

When that inspector refused to accept an airplane that met the regulations I followed the correct procedure as laid out in T.C.'s own rules.

I went to his superior in my region and asked for another inspector, he refused.

I next went to Ottawa and finally got a new inspector.

When I received the contact number for the new inspector I made a phone call to ask what he wanted me to do to get my application back on track.

His answer was we are going to show you just how difficult it is going to be for you to ever get an operating certificate.

I asked him if he was threatening me and he said no he was promising me.

I hung up the phone.

I had recorded the conversation and had two witnesses who had heard the conversation on the speaker.

It took three and a half years and a lot of time and money to get through the court system, but in the end I won on all counts and was awarded a settlement of $250.000.

And more important the inspector who had threatened me was terminated from TCCA which ended his career. And the DGCA in Ottawa finally resigned because his handling of my issue was not supportable under Canadian law.

So that was my way of handling thugs in government, for me that is far better than holding my ankles and getting financially sodomized by those moral degenerates.

My career just kept getting better because I left Canada as far as aviation went.

Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

I personally have never had any issues with the regulator - I'm not a business owner.

Every company I have worked for has had issues with the regulator (that includes a flag carrier).

My present company is trying to introduce i-Pads on the flightdeck complete with airbus performance/weight and balance apps and Jeppesen FD Pro. There are hundreds of companies already doing this.

The regulator wants one i-Pad from every batch my company buys to be tested for things like the quality of the battery and functionality after a decompression. The fact that apple has already done all these tests means nothing to them.

There is still no target date for their introduction. Ridiculous.
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:51 pm

Eric Janson wrote:The regulator wants one i-Pad from every batch my company buys to be tested for things like the quality of the battery and functionality after a decompression. The fact that apple has already done all these tests means nothing to them.

There is still no target date for their introduction. Ridiculous.
Which regulator is asking for all this?  :o
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